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Elite Squad Recuitment

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This is a bandit squad called Elite we are recruiting members to join us please fill out the application below. And also you must speak basic English.

Real name:

Skype name:

(GMT) timezone:



Why do you want to join Elite:

Also we do have a TeamSpeak group in a TS group since we can not afford to buy

our own but i will send you the ip to the TeamSpeak server through skype i will

also send you the password to our channel.

Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be.







If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here:

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Real name: Alex

Skype name: prominentalex

(GMT) timezone: EST

IGN: Prometheus

Age: 19

Why do you want to join Elite: To have a dedicated clan I can play with




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Real name: Vince

Skype name: eleventyfour

(GMT) timezone: EST

IGN: foKe

Age: 16

Why do you want to join Elite: Looking for some people to play with because DayZ is boring whilst playing alone. Need some people to roll with, and I like playing with other new people

Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be.

Sniper (X)

Heavy (X)

Assault (X)


Medic (X)


If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here:

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Real name:Tristan A Jennings

Skype name:Aeronethius

(GMT) timezone:Central



Why do you want to join Elite: My friend and i need a squad.

Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be.

Sniper (x) I have an m24 which is my preferred rifle


Assault (x)

C.Q.B (x)



If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here:

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Real name: Brendan, prefer to be called Thunder

Skype name: ThunderHornet

(GMT) timezone: EST

IGN: wut?

Age: 17

Why do you want to join Elite: I have 8 months experience and have played in a group before. All of my friends have stopped playing. I'm very experienced and have many stories.

Please put a (x) beside the class you want to be.


Heavy (x)


C.Q.B (x) My preferences are shotguns. I usually will go on the front line of the group and take the risk of putting myself out there so the whole group is not in danger.

Medic (x) In my old group, I saved my friends at least 15 times from dying. If someone is in need of medical support, I am willing to stop whatever I'm doing and head for them as fast as I can.


If there is anything else you want us to know about please but it in here: I'm a team player and will follow orders. The most memorable moment of saving my friends was when I spawned in and my friend was down at the NW airfield, and I ran there and he was down at a crashed heli while zombies were trying to eat him. So I pulled out my M249 and killed at least 70 zombies while he was unconscious and didn't stop. He finally got up and I gave him food and we got in the Ural and drove out.]

Edited by ThunderHornet

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Real name: Cash

Skype name: cash.delisle

(GMT) timezone: Central US

IGN: Tycho

Age: 17

Why do you want to join Elite: Becasue I want to join a good, stable and active group to play with

Sniper (X)


Assault (X)




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Thunder tomorrow I will add you on. Skype you are deffintly getting in and prysmatic I will think about but it is a 88.5% chance you will get in

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Real name:Edward Bravo

Skype name:eddythegamer

(GMT) timezone: Not sure I will check

IGN:Eddy Bravo


I have been looking for a team of really good players for a very long time, I have tried something like this my self, so I want to give this a try, I can lead and I for once want to just join a group and see how it goes, I know some good servers if you guys don't have one. I want to play for a while to see if this group is going to be Elite to, looking at this post for an Elite group I have high standards to see this work and to see us all do well with minimal casualties.

Sniper X (If the type of sniper has a zero on it I will be fine)

'Heavy X

Assault X


Medic X

Engineer X (Not to hard to get a toolbox and repair some parts)

Additional information: I have been playing since around July I think last year and I am very versatile, I am worst in being a sniper and not tried medic but I can defiantly do almost anything you ask me to do. If I had to pick only one class though and the one I was best at it would be being Assault and using assault rifles. I am a team worker and a leader. I am a good player if I may say so my self and I have had a tonne of experience with this mod.

Please respond ASAP!! :)

Edited by mrbravo66

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