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Chernarus Liberation Army [RECRUITING!]

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We are recruiting!

Who are we?

​We are the renaming military forces left in Chernarus after the disease outbreak occurred. There are few of us, and many of them, so we are always looking to recruit and train new members.

What is our mission?

Our mission is to protect the other survivors, and eliminate all those who aim to harm them.

What server are you guys on?


We also have a Teamspeak server: ts50.gameservers.com:9141

​How to join?

Go to this website HERE and click on the recruitment tab. Fill out all the required information and submit it. A command Staff member will look over it within 48 hours. Be sure to check the site often for updates on your application.

About the Clan

The clan was founded on Feb-17-2013. Since then we have grown to about 8 members. We follow a ranking system similar to that of the US Army, and we have a certain degree of realism such as calling members by their ranks, and calling officers "sir" There are advancement opportunities based on how well you do for the unit, and what type gear you contribute. The server we play on has about 70 custom buildings placed throughout Chernarus, and we have custom vehicle spawns as well. Our clan tag is =CLA=

Edited by n1kkoFNG

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Bump. We are up to 14 members now! Keep it up guys!

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Hey, I am wondering if I could join? I have a mic, I have been playing DayZ for quite a while now but just got back into it. I also have skype. It is sawyerdennismurrayloiselle. if you want to interview me just mention "DayZ" in the request.

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Thanks for your interest! I have sent you a request on Skype.

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Bump. Had our first promotion ceremony today, and 4 guys were promoted, and we enlisted 4 more. Keep it up!

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Bump. Im not sure if anyone from this post attempted to join our team speak today, but it was down for about 6 hours.

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Bump. Got a couple of recruits last night from this post. If you are interested, please post here as well.

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Bump. Got three recruits from this post, yet no one commented on it. cmon guys. lol

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Yo im looking for a group to play with but not just yet. i currently have really good gear on both other servers i play and once i lose my helis and atvs if would have me i would love to join. my skype name is dr_mailman.

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Added. Once you are ready, let me know so we can get you briefed on what we expect out of you as a member.

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We now have a website up. Please go there to apply!

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No one replies to this thread, but people keep joining haha.

///////////Main post edited. (Server Section)

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Bump.. Moved the server to O-ring

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Bump bump bump.

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You know the drill by now.


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///////////////Main post edited.

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Added custom bandit AI patrols to the server.


  • Well trained
  • 10 different loadout possibilities
  • Custom Script that selects one of the ten at random every server restart
  • Lootable gear

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