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50 player TPG Private Hive Virginia US106 [Regular][170+VEHICLES][DAY ONLY] Active Admins + Silentwarrior Antihack!

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Hey Everyone,

I'm the main server admin over at US 106's Private Hive Chernarus server.

Our server features a starting loadout of the old DayZ - Makarov, beans, patrol pack, etc. Some of our features is that we run custom antihack scripts as well as TSW (Silentwarrior antihack.)

We keep our scripts always updated and have admins around the clock to ensure and remove hackers from gameplay.

The server itself is on a dedicated box of ours with 8-cores of hard cranking 3.8Ghz +36gb of RAM. We run this to make sure that you, the player will not be lagging even when we are at our cap of 50-players.

Many in the server are friendly and we operate a public teamspeak at ts3.totalpunishmentgaming.com, declarations should go there or be broadcasted in side/direct chat (no voice in side however.)

The server features custom buildings to make some useless towns more useful as well as boost some already useful areas while still maintaining gameplay. We have every legal vehicle in DayZ in spades, though not in such enormous quantity that you'll be passing tons of them on the road. 170+ vehicles allows them to still be somewhat rare while maintaining that vibe of hopefulness in locating.

We welcome rival clans, bandit, survivor, etc and have many players who only hunt should you be wearing that faithful bandit skin. Any are welcome and should any other clans out there wish to make themselves a part of our server, we'll gladly throw in a custom sort of base somewhere on the map for you to hold/defend/stash your stuff. (Goodluck keeping it safe, though!)

So come on and give us a try. Filter in DayZ commander/sixlauncher/ingame for 106 and hop on in!

DayZ - TPG Private Hive Virginia US106 [DayZ][Regular][170+VEHICLES][DAY ONLY][uTC -10]


Edited by dagg929
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I’ve been out for a while due to hackers. I just started up again with a few friends that are new to the game. In the last week we have been hacked every time we have played. Sounds like you all have a good thing going and we’ll see ya out there.

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Glad to hear everyone is enjoying it.

As always, we have admins on pretty much around the clock and we have capability for rollback, but rarely need to due to our custom anticheat.

For any issues/ban requests on anyone who gets through (rare) www.TotalPunishmentGaming.com

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Bumping this topic up!

We have some custom military-level loot buildings in hot spots like Berezino, the NE airfield, and Balota.

Our admins are active and we occasionally host fun events for survivors and bandits alike!

Find us in DayZ Commander or the ArmA2 server browser by filtering for 106.

- ]TPG[ Major Payne

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Remington and m1014(rare) introduced to residential/supermarket/deerstand spawns as civilian weapons on our server. We have customized loot tables to increase weapon/ammo spawn rates here without breaking the game (rare weapons are still rare.)

We've made deerstands useful again, made cars spawn with more screwed up parts (but our quantity is still very high compared to default) and tweaked spawn values for all items evenly to still provide a challenge but not to discourage players by offering trash garbage piles at every corner.

Our barracks as well feature most weapons you can find in the server (Some from heli crashes, other custom that are not banned in DayZ code but do not unbalance the game at all.) These are rare, but present!

Come and give us a try!

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Server has been updated. Now there are roaming AI with some awesome loot (if you can kill them that is) and bright nights with fog. The nights have that nice creepy zmobie movie feeling

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Bump. No longer Day only, Added Bright nights, Custom Loot tables, Custom Buildings, Custom vehicle Spawn locations, Clan Bases, and TS3.

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