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Need Help Adding Buildings to Dayz.chernarus

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ok so far ive added tons of buildings and bases, when i merge the map i made with dayz chernarus if forces me to spawn in the wilderness or sometimes wont get past the recieving screen. does anyone have any idea on how to fix this? any input would be greatly appreciated. i do get errors about cargo being missing or a wire fence missing. does anyone know what could be causing me and my friend to spawn over and over in the wilderness. ive also attached the map if anyone wants to take a look .

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guess the map didnt attach, any help would be appreciated

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Im not home atm but I can help u when I arrive home. I have 1 question: - Can you acces your bliss thing via Phpmyadmin?

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What map are you trying to edit ?

You should just move the "mission1.chernarus from your MPMissions folder to the /mydocuments/arma2/yourname/mpmissions folder, now you can open up the mission in the "multiplayer" editor(not the normal editor) add some buildings and then move the "mission1.chernarus folder back to the MPMissions folder in your arma2 directory. All should now just be fine and you should be able to load the mission.

Multiplayer editor is located on the multiplayer screen under the button called "NEW" left down corner.

If you have never used it it is wise to just open it up and make a test mission, save it >> now you should have a MPMissions folder in your mydocuments/arma/yourname.... directory !!!

You should not save or repack the edited mission !

Alternately you can manually edit the "mission.sqm" file inside the dayz mission folder, this is a bit harder but it works too.

PS. this has nothing to do with the database, however there is also a way of adding new things true the database, but this is a completly different story.

Edited by Allie

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ive already edited the mission and have merged it with dayz.chenarus , my problems is when i load the mission on the server everyone spawns in the wilderness or it its stuck at the loading screen

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