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> To form a group/squad that is a tight knit unit. Capable of playing a variety of games skillfully and being a step ahead and above of other average players.

Our gameplay will be recorded, edited, and then uploaded to YouTube for others to watch. All races, personalities, genders, and players are extended this invitation.

Serious gameplay is what we're about, but we still keep it fun. We have a good time when we're playing at our best.


> Must have played DayZ/Arma 2 for at least three months.

> Decent computer specs/setup. This means you must be able to play AND record with 30 frames or more and produce videos in 720p+.

> Each member must have good awareness, communication, and be highly skilled in all aspects of the game.

> Must have enough time available to play. This means you need to be available for the squad when we play. Of course, real life obligations come first and I understand that to the fullest. But, to join this group you need to be active. Non active players who offer no explanation as too why they are inactive will be removed from the group.

> MUST BE 18 YEARS OLD+. I have nothing against younger gamers, but for this squad I want mature players who are 18 or older. This is my personal preferance and I would like to stick to it.


> Mumble address: eu2.voice.enjin.com:64278

> Clan site here: bsbnetwork.com (You can contact me on the BSB Gaming Network site or on DayZ forums, whichever you prefer.)

> Please, if you contact me be sure to make it clear to me who you are and that you are contacting me regarding the YouTube squad.

Edited by Jangalang
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Hi Jangalang. I'm interested in joining up. I'm 21 years of age and located in central time zone of USA. I have a great understanding of the game. I am an excellent marksman and understand the ballistics of each weapon (prefer m24 or m40) as DMR isn't as accurate out to 700m+ and I believe in one shot, one hit. I will do whatever though. I enjoy following and supporting more than leading also. I have a sense of humor as well.

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@Sub-MAO Shooter: Enter that teamspeak info and we'll get things rollin',

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Been playing dayz for about a week, have my own channel, have been livestreaming Dayz a bit as well.

19, lots of free time currently, West Coast, Canada.

Also upgraded my computer a bit, it had no problems recording 30fps before though.

Mainly play these games:


Chivalry: Medieval Warfare

Minecraft (feed the beast) (have own server).

Planetside 2.

Edited by idriveby

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hey, i would like to join im 22 almost 23, i love to play dayz ill use what ever gun i can get a hold of, ive been playing dayz for a while.. and i would like to join

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Although we are a DayZ/ARMA 2 squad, we are now heavily involved in ARMA 3. Primarily the Wasteland mod.

If you wish to join us, follow the information above!

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