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Turn Off Passive Humanity Increase

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I may be a little late to this discussion (especially since passive humanity gain has been removed), but I want to echo the sentiments of others and say that I think the humanity system should be removed completely.

Thus far, DayZ has shown to be an incredibly intriguing game, generating really interesting discussions here and on places like http://reddit.com/r/dayz about morality and society in a post-apocalyptic environment, and how it plays out in DayZ. Killing someone in DayZ carries a lot more weight than in other games, and people have reported that they have a much harder time killing players in DayZ than in other games as a result. But with murder attached to a one-dimensional morality meter, the discussion turns from whether it is right or wrong to kill into advantages and disadvantages of the mechanic (skins and such). The addition of the bandit skin transition makes it worse, removing much of the tension of meeting with new people, or the possibility of someone having a change of heart.

There is a web series called Extra Credits that talks about interesting issues of game design, and one of the earliest episodes they did was about morality and choice in games. He has a lot of great things to say about the implementation of morality in games thus far, and several of the shortcomings of linear one-dimensional good/bad morality systems, and ways to fix them. You should all check it out:

But the thing I love so much about DayZ is that, to make the choice to kill someone compelling, you don't NEED a morality meter to tell you if its good or bad. You can decide for yourself, and debate it with others! It's rare and awesome when a game is able to make you feel something like this, and make you think hard about your actions and choices, without the need for it to tell you that you need to think about it.

TL;DR: The humanity/bandit system needs to go. The game would be more compelling without a meter or skin telling you or other people whether you are "good" or "bad" because the existing mechanics of the game already elicit those morally gray questions, and being able to visually see whether someone is likely to kill you detracts from intensity of player interactions and is unrealistic.

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if in real life someone kills another person... in years it isnt forgotten..

if bandits dont want to be bandits...dont murder people.

Sorted its a choice which will make the mod just that little bit harder.

Maybe killing bandits raise your morality (just spit balling there)

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