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Nitro DayZ

TNR - The New Republic - Recruiting - Military Style - UK Based

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Fancy seeing you fellers here.


You will remember me as the person who got kicked out and wrecked your base, stealing your AS50 TWS and dropping it in some bushes on a different server xoxo

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Fancy seeing you fellers here.


You will remember me as the person who got kicked out and wrecked your base, stealing your AS50 TWS and dropping it in some bushes on a different server xoxo

Haven't got a clue about who you are. We don't really care tbh, stop trying to attention seek please :)

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Well SOMEONE'S butthurt that I outed that TNR like hacked in weapons.

Tsk tsk.

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Well SOMEONE'S butthurt that I outed that TNR like hacked in weapons.

Tsk tsk.

TNR does not hack or use hacked weapons...even if we did have an AS50 TWS at that time, it's not necessarily hacked in by us, instead it could've been picked up from a hackers body. Anyways thanks for getting rid of it since it was a hacked weapon, if you really did. :)

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I know you guys didn't hack it in - that doesn't mean you didn't take advantage of it.

Pipe down, newfag. You weren't around xoxo

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I know you guys didn't hack it in - that doesn't mean you didn't take advantage of it.

Pipe down, newfag. You weren't around xoxo

If you knew it wasn't hacked by TNR then why comment on this post? The general consesus on hacked weapons is don't use them but that doesnt necessarily me a newbie player didn't pick it up and give it a whirl.

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Hey it's UGG! :D

The girl who refused to show her face to us! (Jamie tracked you down on Facebook. You were a bitter, and I mean BITTER disappointment. Sorry).


Edited by CanoGuy
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Oh ya UGG.

Cute you guys stalked me x

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Oh ya UGG.

Cute you guys stalked me x

Thanks for bumping our thread btw :thumbsup:

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We've had plenty of recruits lately! Still looking for more members, we're welcome to take anyone in whether you're a rookie or hardcore gamer!

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its nice to see new faces

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its nice to see new faces

Indeed it is! We're still looking for lots of recruits to play with over Easter Holidays!

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