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Nitro DayZ

TNR - The New Republic - Recruiting - Military Style - UK Based

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Welcome to TNR aka The New Republic!

Who are we?

TNR is a British, military based clan, started by Jamie around 7 months ago. The clan started with 4 members, before recruitment started which sky-rocketed the clan to 50+ members. After disagreements with the management of TNR a lot of members lost, with the end of Summer looming many members left due to school/college work, which meant numbers dropped even lower. A handful of faithful members remained, with numbers now down to 7. Soon after this recruitment started with more members joining which now puts us at around 25 to 30 members but we're still open to more applications, the more members the better with more people to play games such as DayZ, Arma 2, TL:R, CS:S, R.U.S.E and many more with!

We still stick true to our word with a proper Military ranking system (Private to General) with our own forums, servers and application + interview process.

Why should you join TNR?

Of course we cannot force you to join TNR, nor would we want to do so but if you're looking for a highly active, military style clan with 30+ members who play a large variety of games (just a small number listed above) then I highly recommend you fill out the application form on our forum today!

To get to our forum you can:

or click the photo above!

Our Servers:

Takistan Life Revolution (TL:R) - 60 Slots

DayZ Taviana Server with Starting Gear - 60 Slots

Teamspeak 3 Server - 512 Slots

To join our Teamspeak just connect to "ts.tnrclan.com"

Contact us:

Jamie (Owner)

Steam: Jamiewood_x

Skype: Jamiewood_x (Liverpool)

Praeliux (Co-Owner)

Steam: Praeliux

Skype: Millward1231 (Praeliux)

Nitro (Me)

Steam: Nitromanic

Skype: Cazamarooney


How to apply

2. Register on our forums (Head Admin: Jamie)

3. Go to the "New Applications" forum

4. Read the sticky - "Applications - Info and template!"

5. Copy the application and make a new topic with the title "Application - (Your name here)

6. For "who recruited you?" just say something like "Nitro from the DayZ forums or similar

7. Wait for a reply from Jamie or Praeliux!

We hope to see you soon!!


- TNR -

Edited by Nitro DayZ
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looks good

Thanks sir! :) Lots of new recruits joined up today but we're always looking for new members!

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Anyone looking for a UK based clan check these guys out

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Anyone looking for a UK based clan check these guys out

Thanks man! Glad to see you're enjoying TNR!

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We've had lots of sign-ups this week! Keep those applications coming - we're always recruiting and looking for more people to play with!

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Currently about to play Some Dayz Taviana! Let's get it full! search TNR in filter!

The Taviana server is running great! Lets get some more people playing - even more fun!

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good to see so many people on the server :)

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Name: Marvin

Age: 18

Gender: Male



A note about yourself(What do you do in life? Student, Working Etc.):Student

What games do you play:DayZ

What brought you here: Looking for a clan

If you were recommended, post the members forum name here:

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Do you have TS3?Yes

Have you used TS3 before?Yes

Have you ever played in one of our gameservers? Nope

If so what was your name at the time?

Do you have any experience in other clans?Yes

What is your skype name? (Not required, but recommended):

Teamspeak Username:Dante

Any other contact info if you so as wish to post:

Anything else you want to say?

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have you posted this on the website chap?

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Name: Marvin

Age: 18

Gender: Male



A note about yourself(What do you do in life? Student, Working Etc.):Student

What games do you play:DayZ

What brought you here: Looking for a clan

If you were recommended, post the members forum name here:

Do you have a microphone? Yes

Do you have TS3?Yes

Have you used TS3 before?Yes

Have you ever played in one of our gameservers? Nope

If so what was your name at the time?

Do you have any experience in other clans?Yes

What is your skype name? (Not required, but recommended):

Teamspeak Username:Dante

Any other contact info if you so as wish to post:

Anything else you want to say?

Hey Marvin, any chance you can post this on our personal forums (http://www.tnrclan.com)! Thanks!

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