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New gamer looking for people to play with.

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I know I am new to the game, but I have done tons of research on this game and I know how most things work. Unfortunately, I do not like being a lone wolf, it depresses me not being able to have someone to play with, mainly due to the zombies and bandits around. I'm kind, in my mid teens and have a deep voice so I am not a sqeaker to anyone. Do not worry about me betraying you in any way! I am new and I do not have the balls to betray some, heh :) Here are my specs.

Name: Tyler

Age: 16, about to be 17

Skype: almightyelf123

Calmness during a dangerous situation: Average, I can handle most in game scenarios.

Trustworthy: Yes, I am as trustworthy as most come on games like this.

If you have a skype and are also wanting a playing partner, add me, or post your name here and I'll add you.

Cheers and happy surviving!

-Tyler/ Flyingdiddy

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If you'd like, add me on Skype and I'll be sure to contact you whenever I get a chance.

Skype: intensity_skype

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Hey Buddy, where are you from?

I am actually looking for some people to team up with, regularly.

I am from eastern united states, Georgia. Do you have a skype?

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i would join you guys, im on eastern time zone also

add me on skype trevorm97

Edited by Zuwazio

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Hello, if you are looking for a friendly group of guys to play with, Trusted Medics of the Wasteland is a very good group to join. We are a friendly organization that go around healing people in the very dangerous world of Dayz. If you would like to join come to our website at TMWdayz.com or our Team Speak at ts.dayzmedics.com. Thanks and I hope to see you around. :)

Edited by Hockeyguy

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check out dayzgonebye.clanteam.com its a whitelisted private hive that plays vanilla dayz plenty of friendlies looking to join up

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I'm looking for some people to play with. I recently started playing again and reactivated my server. Its a Vanilla server except for having a Full Moon at night so your not completely blind lol. Anyways, most of the guys I used to play with don't play anymore so I'm looking to find some new players to group with. you can PM me on here, add me on Skype - ravaras22, or email me at [email protected].

Hope to hear from ya!

Name - Explicit's Fun Zone

IP -

Edited by Ravaras

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