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Standalone: Updated Survival Time

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Not sure if this is something that has been brought up before, apologies if it is.

So I was just reading a thread about how a guy had survived for 164 days, or something monumental like that, which is just downright mad. He then mentioned in his original post: "Did i play all of those days ? of course not,"

I've never known how it works, but I assume that the above statement means that Day X when you spawn in is not neccessarily representative of the time you've played.

With the Standalone, perhaps it could be a good opportunity to reformat how the amount of time you have survived is displayed. Maybe upon log-in, it would be told by the database exactly how long you have been playing for, in hours and minutes. and round it up to something more simplified. For example: Day X, Hour X...

Something like that? I just feel like if something like that was implemented, it would be a more representative survival time to work to, and could even mean a long survival time is something that is celebrated, as opposed to greeted with doubt and disregard.

I realize this could be misconstrued as a ridiculous suggestion, I'm just struggling to put into apt terminology.

Edited by mzltv
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yup, i think that would be a great idea! Its kinda annoying logging in after a week of not playing and still gaining survival time

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I'm on a 100 day character after having a break for about 2 weeks.

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Was about to start a thread on this myself but i'll bump this instead of making another.


Currently a player who logs in once for 2 minutes then doesn't play again for days can be seen as more successful in terms of days survived than someone who play and survives for many hours straight.


Seeing as this is a survival game an accurate measure of the actual amount of time that a character survives in game is essential.


It would be a very simple fix, and sure they can implement it any time after the release but i feel it needs to sorted from the start as it represents the most basic goal of a dayz player, survival.

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