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Royal Viking of Sweden

DayZ Suggestion. TRAPS

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I was thinking it would be cool if you could set up trip wire traps. Traps that activate when you walk through a door or open a gate. The traps would vary in uses, you could use it for home defense against Zombies and intruders. When someone/something walks in the door it could set off a trap the swings down low to break legs, or set off a trap that shoots a gun. Imagine your sneaking your way through town and don't really have a use for scrap metal yet. But you could make trap parts at benches implemented in the game. Also it would be cool if you could make your own bear trap. If traps were put into the game, they shouldn't be easy too make or hard to make. Somewhere in between the difficulty of finding a car, and finding a trustful person. Anyone have any other ideas of the sort, or feedback on yes/no and why?


Royal Viking of Sweden

Edited by Royal Viking of Sweden
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this is dayz, not indianna jonnes

A perfectly good reason not to defend your camp!

By the way, we already have bear traps.

Edited by Clumzy

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A perfectly good reason not to defend your camp!

By the way, we already have bear traps.

good point

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I see bases becoming a normal part of gameplay, so I say yes to traps. And alert systems, I could tie rope connected to tin cans and tie the rope around trees so the cans rattle when the rope is shaken. However, wind and animals could set false alarms, and you'd be able to vault over this. Every time something is suggested, it seems like people say, "This is dayz not pirates of the caribbean! This is DayZ not indiana jones! This is DayZ, not minecraft!" Ect, ect...

Edited by Tiresomehoopla
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Maybe not quite 'traps' as such, but I'd say there could certainly be mileage in a 'tripwire' alarm - tin cans are already in the game, so you'd just have to put some kind of string or wire in there, and hey presto, you've got a ready-made alarm that will make a lot of noise if tripped. I'm thinking it'd likely be used by snipers/bandits who are wanting to make sure they're not crept up on, and by trolls who want to boobytrap buildings in cities and things so that anyone who trips one generates a ton of aggro.

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Maybe not quite 'traps' as such, but I'd say there could certainly be mileage in a 'tripwire' alarm - tin cans are already in the game, so you'd just have to put some kind of string or wire in there, and hey presto, you've got a ready-made alarm that will make a lot of noise if tripped. I'm thinking it'd likely be used by snipers/bandits who are wanting to make sure they're not crept up on, and by trolls who want to boobytrap buildings in cities and things so that anyone who trips one generates a ton of aggro.

I agree and i can kinda see where alarms might be a bad thing, if the are put into the game they should be rare. And if you find the base of the rope where its been tied to you should be able to disarm the alarm without it making a sound.

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at the same time, i wouldnt want that as a priority, they still have much to do

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