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What does my computer need improvement on?

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Ok so right now When I play dayZ I get 10-24 fps. It really all depends on where im at on the map, how many people are on and whats happening around me (Its even worse when I play Wasteland for Arma) But I think my computer is pretty good Heres my specs

Acer Aspire X1420G

Amd Athlon II X4 645 procceser 3.10 GHz

Ram: 4 Gb

64 bit windows 7

Graphics Card: Nvidea GeForce 9500 gt

I was wonder what needs upgrading so I can run Arma/DayZ better. I would like to get a stable FPS where it rarely drops below 20 FPS and still not have the settings on Low but medium high. Also what type/model of parts do you recomend... Thanks Everyone

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"Graphics Card: nVidia GeForce 9500 gt" <------ this is not intended for modern games,sorry buddy. Old tech,slow memory and low bandwith on the 9500GT for modern games.

Edited by John69
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sell it and get a mac.

Arma 2 was optimized to run on macs after all! They are superior in PC gaming.

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But seriously, get a new video card.Somethingin the $120 range should do OK.

If you can find an HD 7770 go with that due to the lower power consumption

Keep in mind, I think that case you have is small. You might need to find a short/low-profile card in order to fit it into your computer.

Be sure to check.

Your power supply (probably 220 watt?) is inadequate. you'd need something like a 350 (more if you get a card with a bigger draw than the HD7770). Be sure to get a power supply that fits your case as well. Probably a micro ATX size.

The GPU and PSU upgrades are probably doable for $150-ish

If you have trouble finding stuff to fit, you can spend another $50 to get a larger case.

Hope this helps.

Edited by taco241

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Ok thanks guys that was really helpfull Ill have to look into a new graphics card!

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you need a hp or alienware or a custom built computer or a gigabyte chisise

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you know nothing of computers, it was a joke.

dont get an alienware or hp.

waiste of money and arent good.

go to a pc parts store like msy and custom build

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that's what a just said , i gave him suggestions dah!!!!!!!

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