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stuck in debug area

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So I logged in today and I'm in the hills ( debug area ) and I cant get out, tried different servers and no luck. Anyone have and Idea of how I get unstuck.

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You have a map/gps? If not, good luck.

If so, try shift-clicking on the map. Should put up a waypoint you can follow back to the mainland.

Keep in mind you're going to be roughly 7-9km out, so it's going to be a bit of a hike back.

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Well here's few that I've seen / experienced to work in few occasions:

1. Create new profile in the main menu. Try to join any server with newly made profile and it *might* fix it.

2. You could always try to get in touch with admin of said server (if there happens to be one online) and ask for help. At least in one of the EU servers, where my buddy was stuck in, admin helped him out. Usually admins name(s) can be seen when you login to the servers for first time with lines like "This server is hosted by .... "

3. Keep doing suicide until you get in debug forest. Once there, you can run through the forest and quite easily get back to the map (takes average 15 minutes of running to find town). There's multiple youtube videos and I think I saw one guide in these forums (sorry can't find link atm).

Other than that I'm not sure how to get out of the actual hill area. I found some posts and videos about just heading to east for next 15-20 minutes and you *might* get out. If you don't have gps / compass you can always try to look direction of the sun / moon or anything like that.

Personally, I just put weight on "W" button and went to do other things (or you could also use some fancy keyboard with macro options to make auto run btw). However I managed to run 40 minutes in wrong direction and die to starvation. Oops. :/

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You got steam? Press w, then open the steam overlay (shift tab)

Voila, you have auto run.

come back in 20 mins and you'll be there

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Just balance something heavy on your W key and watch a movie on Netflix or something. This happened to me 3 separate times on the same character and I was never willing to give up my ghillie suit or gear so I always made the jog...

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