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Swapping Ammo for Different Weapons

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I've heard people talking about modifying ammo for use in a different weapon if you have a lot of it. I'm always running dry and then finding the wrong magazines so changing it for my weapon would be awesome.

If someone can give me a heads up on how to do this it would be great. And also where can I download the latest update?


Also if someone could give me a link to a decent printable map because everytime I try and print one it only prints the west side with the airfield :(

Many thanks

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There are certain ammo types that are compatible with multiple guns such as: G17 Clip, M9 Clip M9SD Clip, MP5 Mag, MP5SD Mag, PDW Mag, are all usable in the PDW.

That is the most flexible ammo, it is 9x11mm(Correct me if I am wrong?), but silenced mags can be used in their un-silenced versions. For Example, an "M4A1 CCO SD" can ONLY use "30Rnd. Stanag SD" whereas the M4A1 CCO/M4A1 HWS M203/M4A1 all use "30Rnd Stanag" but can ALSO use "30Rnd. Stanag SD". The same applies for the M9 and M9SD.

Silenced mags are backwards compatible to the unsilenced weapons.

Here is the latest Arma 2 BETA(Which is required to run patch 1.7.0 and up): http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php

The download for the DayZ Patch can be found here: http://dayzmod.com/downloads.php

Note: The Build is bugged at the moment due to the recent adding of melee weapons(Hatchet and Crowbar), but when the new hotfix comes along( it will be available at the same location from the download mirror of your choice.

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