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[8/9 Months DayZ][3 Years ArmA][15 Y/O] Looking for Clan

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I'd posted my 'resume' around in a couple threads so I thought I may as well make a LFG thread as well. In particular, I'm looking for a serious to semi-serious active group of players. I'd prefer to go hero, or at least partly, but have no qualms with being a hardcore bandit.

-- Resume --

Aged 15, Pacific Standard. I play more than is good for me, and have been playing DayZ since forever and have been playing ArmA since the first iteration of the series.

I know my way around a rifle, and am generally very good strategically, but my specialty is in piloting, and I mean that in ways more than the "I can land a helicopter without auto hover" bullshit that people sling around as a badge of honor. Extremely small demonstration of my piloting skill:

My in-game name is the same as in my profile, my Skype is dutch-muffin, and steam is ~/id/rampantArsonist

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Uh.. Remind me again why Helicopter Piloting is a rarity in DayZ and overly needed? The chance of having a Helicopter is very low, in addition most organised Groups have their Members under-go certain task's either in the Editor or in a private DayZ Server. Not too much to boast off, neither is the ability to land - It's not hard. You come in at a gentle angle with slow speeds and you've landed.. But, if you wish, to each their own.

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Uh.. Remind me again why Helicopter Piloting is a rarity in DayZ and overly needed? The chance of having a Helicopter is very low, in addition most organised Groups have their Members under-go certain task's either in the Editor or in a private DayZ Server. Not too much to boast off, neither is the ability to land - It's not hard. You come in at a gentle angle with slow speeds and you've landed.. But, if you wish, to each their own.

That would be why it's called a specialty. Also, I included it partly to secure myself as the person we give the helicopter controls to, should we encounter a helicopter. And, you misrepresent the process to landing. Saying "you come in at low speeds and a gentle angle" is like telling a chef that they way you make a salad is to put the ingredients in a bowl. You fail to recognize the process through which that happens. Now I'm not saying what I do is overtly difficult, but I am confident that I am leagues ahead of the folk who's landing process is allowing Auto Hover to take you 300 meters into the air, whilst someone takes careful aim of your head as you linger in the air.

Lastly, I'm not boasting, it's a demonstration. It's why employees have resumes, and why artists have portfolios.

Edited by rampantArsonist

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I'm interested, I'm 14 and live in the US. I have skype as well (troubledgoose1) I usually prefer to be a bandit but changing ways is always fine with me.

I prefer to be a sniper as I am pretty good at it, I'll miss a easy shot sometimes but it's definitely not common for that to happen.

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(PGC) Phoenix Gaming Community are recruiting Join our steam group and teamspeak 3

We play a variety of games such as Arma II, Farming Simulator 2013, Battlefield 3, DayZ and more to suit our gamers needs.

About Us:

PGC is a friendly gaming community based in Europe, founded in 2012. We cater for every type of gamer, from casual gamers who play almost everything, to hard-core pros that love to play as part of a team, we even accept clans and groups as long as an officer or above is consulted first.

Contact Details:

Teamspeak IP (Status: ACTIVE)

Website: www.phoenixsmonocle.enjin.com

iTrAmPzi [Admin]

Steam: TrAmPzi

Skype: Bruteparody

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Our private hive server is now open to the public

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