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Hell's Hideout (Chernarus, 24/7 Day) - Great Server, Great Community, Great Mod.

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I just wanted to reach out to the DayZ community and put in a good word for a server i'm playing on "Hell's Hideout". I've been playing on this server since I bought ARMA II and this is still my favorite server. I thought many of you would be interested in knowing about this server because i'm sure many have never heard of it. Below are a few features that really stand out to me and keep me coming back every time I play the game:

  • Best map in the game: Chernarus
  • 24/7 Daytime
  • Great Community - Good bandit/survivor mix.
  • Automatic resets every 8 hours.
  • Whitelisted to keep the script kiddies out.
  • An excellent moderator whom logs in every now and then and rolls back the server on the rare chance a hacker slips through.
  • Custom buildings in Kamenka and other small towns to make it a little more interesting.

Those are just a few facts about the server that I really think help make this one stand out. If anyone is interested please visit the link below and follow the steps to get whitelisted.


IGN: Spicyweiner if anyone wants to group up once their in :)

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