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The story of becoming a bandit

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This is TL;DR material...just a heads up.

When I first came onto DayZ, I immediately acquainted myself with other in-game players to formulate a survival group; In hind sight, it was a very...very...bad idea. People may tell themselves that they'll continue to be a good player (i.e - Not stealing from others, not killing others, etc), but this will change quickly.

I first became a bandit from being constantly killed by others and from teaming up with others who led me to believe that we were all on the same page. This is probably the most common way someone becomes a bandit.

One day, I teamed up with four people for about two weeks and we communicated our intentions over Skype. We created a base that was well thought out and well hidden, we distributed tasks somewhat fairly; it seemed to be going well. The last day I stopped being associated with them was when I was driving back from the airport with one guy, heading back to our base. A server restart came up so we stepped out of the vehicle before it did.

Once it rebooted, I jumped in the car but he asked me get out for a second, I assumed he wanted an item. He immediately killed me, took all my valuables, and hid my body (hiding a body makes it and the rest of the items on the person disappear into the ground). He did it because the team supposedly took a vote to cast me off because I was annoying. The real story was that they all fought verbally over Skype when someone incidentally spoke over another while relaying objectives. The other members denied being part of the attack.

I threatened them that I knew where the base was still established and that I was going to get them all. The betrayer stated; "Go ahead, I dare you. We have lots of firepower at the base", and he wasn't lying. They did have lots of military weapons at the base I helped get. Once I arrived there, all the vehicles were moved; it didn't take one person to move two Urals and a few transport vehicles. I was extremely mad, and got off for awhile; they thought I wasn't coming back. I came onto the DayZ Forum and immediately saw a posting that someone was seeking hardcore bandits. I told this person that I was interested in the offer and requested a favor. "I need help getting back at my former team who killed me for nothing and now are against me". He replied; "I'm in". Thirty (30) minutes later, we're on the server. The first member of the team was spotted 150m out in the desert field. We fired the sniper rifles multiple times in his direction and killed him. "What the fu*k dude? I never killed you. Why did you kill me?". The reasoning for his death was that he took part in moving the vehicles and never took sides with me. The next was another person whom my newly-met assassin gunned down. We took a Heuy to find their new base. "Come and find me, I dare you", the betrayer said. He made excuses on how he was the only one online out of the whole team; knowing that we already took out the others.

In the end; we killed all the team members, destroyed their base with items that took hours of obtaining, and set them all back to the beginning. They created new profile names, and never came back to that server again. Take note; you will eventually become a bandit for it makes survival much easier, only team up with those you know in person OR take time to formulate trust over the DayZ forum. Above all; do not turn on your teammates and expect nothing to happen.

Thanks for reading, and safe hunting.


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This is TL;DR material...just a heads up.

When I first came onto DayZ, I immediately acquainted myself with other in-game players to formulate a survival group; In hind sight, it was a very...very...bad idea. People may tell themselves that they'll continue to be a good player (i.e - Not stealing from others, not killing others, etc), but this will change quickly.

I first became a bandit from being constantly killed by others and from teaming up with others who led me to believe that we were all on the same page. This is probably the most common way someone becomes a bandit.

One day, I teamed up with four people for about two weeks and we communicated our intentions over Skype. We created a base that was well thought out and well hidden, we distributed tasks somewhat fairly; it seemed to be going well. The last day I stopped being associated with them was when I was driving back from the airport with one guy, heading back to our base. A server restart came up so we stepped out of the vehicle before it did.

Once it rebooted, I jumped in the car but he asked me get out for a second, I assumed he wanted an item. He immediately killed me, took all my valuables, and hid my body (hiding a body makes it and the rest of the items on the person disappear into the ground). He did it because the team supposedly took a vote to cast me off because I was annoying. The real story was that they all fought verbally over Skype when someone incidentally spoke over another while relaying objectives. The other members denied being part of the attack.

I threatened them that I knew where the base was still established and that I was going to get them all. The betrayer stated; "Go ahead, I dare you. We have lots of firepower at the base", and he wasn't lying. They did have lots of military weapons at the base I helped get. Once I arrived there, all the vehicles were moved; it didn't take one person to move two Urals and a few transport vehicles. I was extremely mad, and got off for awhile; they thought I wasn't coming back. I came onto the DayZ Forum and immediately saw a posting that someone was seeking hardcore bandits. I told this person that I was interested in the offer and requested a favor. "I need help getting back at my former team who killed me for nothing and now are against me". He replied; "I'm in". Thirty (30) minutes later, we're on the server. The first member of the team was spotted 150m out in the desert field. We fired the sniper rifles multiple times in his direction and killed him. "What the fu*k dude? I never killed you. Why did you kill me?". The reasoning for his death was that he took part in moving the vehicles and never took sides with me. The next was another person whom my newly-met assassin gunned down. We took a Heuy to find their new base. "Come and find me, I dare you", the betrayer said. He made excuses on how he was the only one online out of the whole team; knowing that we already took out the others.

In the end; we killed all the team members, destroyed their base with items that took hours of obtaining, and set them all back to the beginning. They created new profile names, and never came back to that server again. Take note; you will eventually become a bandit for it makes survival much easier, only team up with those you know in person OR take time to formulate trust over the DayZ forum. Above all; do not turn on your teammates and expect nothing to happen.

Thanks for reading, and safe hunting.


I'm genuinely happy for you that traitor scum got justice and you were the judge. Some people are blinded by all teh gear and stuff, they think they own the place

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wow, great story. I became a bandit in a slightly different way. I was told by a group who I bumped into that they would kill me if i didn't kill this other guy who they had disarmed. I didn't want to but as they were going to kill me I had no choice. It was like an execution, they ended up knocking me out and leaving me in a field by stary on 1k blood. Ever since I have been killing everyone who has a weapon. Take no chances

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