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Laptop FPS Fix (Core 2 / Core i)

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Ever started playing with zero lag only for 5 minutes then suddenly have 5 FPS for the rest of the session?


CPU throttling....

...the solution?

ThrottleStop, allows you to set a permanent multiplier for your CPU to stop the laptop from throttling down which in turn kills the FPS...

This program has the potential to kill your laptop, be warned if you set a multiplier too high with inadequate ventilation you may fry it (I will not take any responsibility should you do so)....... so start at the processors minimum multiplier then work your way up, my multiplier is at 13 (from 8 minimum) which locks the CPU at around 1250Mhz and around 87c max temperature under load with very little lag.... a vast improvement

"It looks complicated how do I use it?"

Well I can only give you a quick start guide on how I got my FPS running at a speed I was happy with.... for a more indepth guide to ThrottleStop go here - Load it up, you have a set of tick boxes on the left hand side, make sure "Set Multiplier" is ticked and use the bottom arrow to lower it to your CPU's lowest multiplier, forget Clock Modulation and Chipset Clock Mod, leave the other boxes alone.... turn it on (bottom right), load up DayZ and find your optimum multiplier

Have fun....

ps... 2 pictures to show the difference....



Edited by rabidjoe

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Yep, ThrottleStop is only for Intel, not Nvidia or ATI.

Yes, DayZ is incredibly CPU hungry and CPU throttling kills the FPS on Intel laptops. Changing graphics settings makes virtually no difference to the FPS...

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So, how can i get better FPS on an ATI/AMD/RADEON HD computer?

Edit; Does MSI Afterburner work?

Edited by DayzForumer

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