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Looking for group to play with (american)

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I'm looking for a new group to play with, the guys I was playing with stopped and I stopped playing for a bit. Clan or just a small group, whatever. I'm 31 so mature, light hearted and fun is better than serious and angry.


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If you like being a bandit join 6FEETDEEP its a small group that play alot.or join the server as there are lots of friendly types that are heros or just survivors. check us out at 6feetdeep.enjin.com

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I checked your server out real quick, name plates are on? Thats kinda lame :( Totally ruins the game when all u have to do is put your ch in the general direction of a hill and a name pops up

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Hey I am recruiting for Notorious.

We are all 18+ (I think youngest is 24?). We play Wasteland and DayZ.

Several of us are in the armed forces and although we play to have fun and like messing around, we are proud to put tactics to good use and rack up the kills. We swear a lot and give each other a lot of shit - we've been playing together since DayZ release.

Check out not.enjin.com, there are a couple highlight videos you can use to judge whether you would like to play with us, and there is a recruitment page if you would like to give us a try.

I've also linked a video here (from our video highlights page) that will give you a pretty good idea of what it would be like to play with us - it's long but pretty comprehensive

Two of us stream, you can check those out as well if interested.

http://www.twitch.tv/anammox (me)


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