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GTX 680 cu ii TOP + i7 3770k .... Still low fps.

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I can't get my head around this. I play with maxed settings besides post processing and vsync, which I turn off.. And can't get above 30-35 FPS.. With a £450 graphics card and an almost as expensive processor. I can play BF3 with just under 90 fps at ultra settings. What. The. Hell.

I see youtubers with decent rigs getting better framerates and just a better looking game in general, and I can't seem to pull it off WITHOUT recording.

Any of you guys with high end rigs willing to post your settings and average FPS? Any tips on boosting performance?

I already use the nvidia CP with everything set to maximum performance output.. No help at all.


8gb RAM,

2 1tb hdd's,

Gigabyte GA-Z77M-D3H Socket 1155 VGA DVI HDMI 8 Channel Audio mATX Motherboard

i7 3770k oc'd to 4.1ghz

ASUS gtx 680 direct cu ii TOP

Ingame and monitor resolution: 1920x1080

Edited by Babyface

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ArmA is a strange game. Did you try making it so that ArmA will take advantage of all four of the cores?

There is an option in six-launcher when you enter on the settings area, it's called additional startup parameters, or something like that.

-nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7

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ArmA is a strange game. Did you try making it so that ArmA will take advantage of all four of the cores?

There is an option in six-launcher when you enter on the settings area, it's called additional startup parameters, or something like that.

-nosplash -cpucount=4 -exThreads=7

Thanks for your response. I don't use any launchers, I use the game itself with multiple shortcuts to the beta. I do currently use these parameters, with no noticeable difference. I heard that arma just doesn't benefit from more than one core at a time :/

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Thanks for your response. I don't use any launchers, I use the game itself with multiple shortcuts to the beta. I do currently use these parameters, with no noticeable difference. I heard that arma just doesn't benefit from more than one core at a time :/

What motherboard do you use?

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Have you tried playing ArmA 2 vanilla style? As in, no DayZ? If you can, go and see how it plays out.

If it plays just fine, then the problem is within DayZ itself. I remember someone had the same CPU overclocked to 4.7GHz, and litterally the SAME GTX 680, and receiving very familiar framerates.

Edited by Gesundheit

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Have you tried playing ArmA 2 vanilla style? As in, no DayZ? If you can, go and see how it plays out.

If it plays just fine, then the problem is within DayZ itself. I remember someone had the same CPU overclocked to 4.7GHz, and litterally the SAME GTX 680, and receiving very familiar framerates.

Will give single player a whirl, will screenshot stationary fps. Will do the same with DayZ, and wasteland, which I play a lot of.. even at low FPS.

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Scratch that, fraps doesn't want to show fps inside of screenies.

SP: 65ish

DayZ: Running around Cap golova with 35-25

Wasteland: 35-25 running around komarovo

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I know the exact reason for your loss of fps. That reason is that it would take two, yes TWO 680's to max out your settings in dayz. You think BF3 is more demanding coz its newer right ??

WRONG my friend. Arma 2 is the most demanding game ever released to date (or unoptimized game take ur pick :P). Either way BF3 is not a graphical game so should not be used to compare to arma 2.

Ok now to sort you your solution matie. Set Anti-aliasing IN GAME to normal or 4x. Then open your N-vidia control panel and turn 'ambient occlusion' off. Go through the rest of your settings in there and make sure

all are set to 'application controled' or 'let application decide' where possible. That should give you a significant boost.

Just to clarify mate i have the same card as you and had the same problems in regards to fps. I now have no problems at all.

Short version, BF3 graphics = not so good. DayZ graphics = too good for its own good. Attempting to play totally maxed settings on a single card will destroy it in a plume of smoke.

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Attempting to play totally maxed settings on a single card will destroy it in a plume of smoke.

Not really, as long as he doesen't set downsampling to 200% or something.

Just download this tool: http://event.msi.com...er/download.htm

Enable ingame overlay. As long as your GPU load doesen't go @ 99%, you can be sure that the GPU is not the limiting factor. Especialy in DayZ, the game is very CPU & HDD dependant, so don't expect the game to run on maxed settings unless you have your Arma 2 installation on an SSD and overclocked your CPU to 4,5 GHz or somethin.

Edited by Nik21

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Scratch that, fraps doesn't want to show fps inside of screenies.

SP: 65ish

DayZ: Running around Cap golova with 35-25

Wasteland: 35-25 running around komarovo

my system is worse than yours, i tried most of the tweaks suggested online but none of them have that much effect, i also play wasteland, if you have something like MSI afterburner or EVGA precision X you can monitor your GPU while in game, i was surprised to find it was only running at about 40% capacity in wasteland, in the vanila game on current settings i get about 85FPS in the benchmarks where the GPU runs at 95% capacity but lower FPS than you online.

one thing that did seem to give me a boost was to set the arma OA .exe to run as adminstrator.

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I will tinker with all of the ideas you guys have offered up. I appreciate the input, and info! Thank you all.

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hmm i might know the problem can you give me the details of your ram e.g. Mhz, type

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Have you set any addition launch parameters? That will make a huge difference in FPS. As an SLI users, Arma 2 does not benefit from it in any way. The game is just not optimized for it. So don't think another 680 will help. Here is are my launch parameters I have configured into dayz commander that gave me a 15-20fps increase:

-cpuCount=3 -nosplash -nopause -maxMem=2047 -maxVRAM=1024 -exThreads=7

I have a core i7 w/ 12GB of ram and 2 GTX 580 SSC cards in SLI. I only get ~45-75fps with high settings with or without SLI. The game just isn't optimized that well but there are ways to improve it.

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