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Very low frames - decent PC?

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Hey guys, i've played dayz for a while now, and i must say that having these FPS issues is really bugging me. I can play battlefield 3 with everything on high and get stable and good FPS. Is there anything I can do to fix this? I have everything on very low, or disabled and I still get bad frames. Cheers guys :)

Corsair TX 650W PSU

ASUS P7H55-M PRO, Socket-1156

Intel Core i5 Quad Processor i5-760 (overclocked from 2.8Ghz to 3.0Ghz)

MSI Geforce GTX 660 2GB PhysX CUDA

Western Digital Caviar® Black 1TB


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Specs look ok. I wouild be looking at the hard drive.

You could try ramdisk - see if that helps.

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Having things on very low is not the answer you are only loading your CPU up with everything and not using the gpu to accelerate. Turning thugs like aa and ppe off is one place you can start but as for quality and video memory you should leave it on normal or higher. Update everything to latest drivers make sure you don't have a bunch of crap running in the back ground and try again. ArmA had always been a computer killer be it because it's not as optimised or just hardcore idk but yeah. You should get ok FPS with your system.

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try using razer game booster, my pc sucks and it helps a lot when it disables some features on a pc .

pc specs ...



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Also go into your graphics card settings in Windows (nVidia Control Panel) and change it to performance rather than quality. This makes a big difference.

Edited by Rooneye

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I had been having these very same problems up until recently, 5 minutes of play followed by 5 frames per second of lag until I eventually died. Very frustrating as 90% of the time I never have had a fighting chance in a 1 v 1, but I soldiered on. I performed the usual trickery, messing with configs, NVIdia settings, you name it - I did it - with little improvement. So I did a little indepth research and came upon a simple solution....


....yes something as simple as internal CPU throttling on my i5 laptop completely kills DayZ performance.

I am not going to give any hints as to how to use this program as you could fry your laptop if you misused it (and on your head be it) but follow the guides found elsewhere on the Interwebs and you should be fine.

FYI: I am now running DayZ with 30ish or so fps with the lag only being provided server-side.

Edited by rabidjoe

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Game booster may run it smoothly if its physical issue otherwise need to upgrade your NIC card driver to the latest. If still issues persist, you need through out computer troubleshooting to optimize it properly or may ask to have different server id.

Edited by rihhanarachel

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