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Elite squad recuitment

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Hey its me EliteMonkeyz and I am recuiting members for my dayZ squad Elite.

We have our own group on TeamSpeak3 and we play on a server called

Black Water Chernarus on this server we are Unkown so there for we could be

bandits or friendlys some people will never know.

The Ip to the server is:

Ip to TeamSpeak3 server:

Now i you want to join the squad you must apply below.

How old are you?:

What if your timezone(GMT):

How long have you been playing DayZ?:

Real Name:


Why do you want to join Elite:

Is there anything else you want us to know about?:

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Few months


Looking for sn organized team. Like the fact that your unsure which role the team will play as I still contemplate that in my own playstyle.

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