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Why it doesn't pay to be a bandit....sometimes.

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So, not being a bandit, I was on a very low pop server with 2 real life buddies around the NW Airfield. We were casually gearing up the least geared of us, as I sat south in the barn and my other friend was in the watch tower. We decided early on not to attack others unless they were a threat.

Anyway, my friend was sneaking his way through to the south barracks and someone spawned in, ran through and killed him. He had a hatchet. Stole his STANAG mags he'd picked up. He then saw my friend in the tower and must have decided he was too much of a threat and headed south. Knowing the player was around, I decided that I would avoid him. I was shot at with this bandits M16A4 from across the southern field. Breaking my legs and rendering me useless. Shit I thought. This is it. I've survived for 3 days, killed over 200 zombies and got myself good gear and this is how it ends. Spinning round, I saw him sprinting towards me. I fired my AKM, once, twice three times on single shot.

He hid behind a bush, bleeding. He mustnt have hit me again, I was bleeding badly. My friend too far away to come and help. I saw this horrible rat ducking in and out of cover. Bam. One lucky shot, in the head and he was down. My friend was too far away and too surrounded by Zeds to assist. I was going to die.

Crawled over to his body. Morphine! Bandages! Blood! I was saved!

So, basically, i took his gun, his mags, his ridiculous amount of food and drink together with his backpack. He logged off from rage.

It was my first kill of a bandit. It felt GREAT.

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This doesn't explain why it doesn't pay to be a bandit. I've successfully bandit'd hundreds of people and I'd rarely get revenge-killed. It actually pays to be one.

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Why i am a bandit: Be friendly, killed on sight, be bandit > loot and no frustration.

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This guy was chasing down anyone on the airfield. We weren't a threat to him. He attacked me and died. He had loads of awesome stuff on him.

Thats why it doesn't pay, I can understand fighting it out for PvP purposes on the airfield, but I was making tracks away from this guy and he lost everything.

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it doesn't pay off to be a bandit?

Gear either its good or not is your reward for your kills..

when your full of good loot you can basically go around and be a adrenaline junky because you can loose it all if thats what you want...

you died? then you can kill people or scavenge for more gear until your full again...

so it does pay off to be a bandit... if your a good one that is...

Edited by KC Pr3lLoX

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I find no fun in being a banditos. Helping someone and knowing you could have saved there lives gives you a good feeling.

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It isn't that it doesn't "pay to be a bandit", it is that particular person was a sad excuse for one. Most experienced bandits would not engage unless they have assurances of winning, and are in good cover.

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it doesn't pay off to be a bandit?

Gear either its good or not is your reward for your kills..

when your full of good loot you can basically go around and be a adrenaline junky because you can loose it all if thats what you want...

you died? then you can kill people or scavenge for more gear until your full again...

so it does pay off to be a bandit... if your a good one that is...

I hope your clan have stopped their admin abusing ways.

On topic :

It does pay to be a bandit most of the time. I once had 3 *clowns* try to get the drop on me on a Lingor Island server. Luckily, they were better at trash talking and cheating than actually killing people. 2 hours on a Lingor Island server and I wiped out a 3 man group took their car and then found their camp.

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This guy was chasing down anyone on the airfield. We weren't a threat to him. He attacked me and died. He had loads of awesome stuff on him.

Thats why it doesn't pay, I can understand fighting it out for PvP purposes on the airfield, but I was making tracks away from this guy and he lost everything.

Yeah, I'm not an incompetent loser. I'll keep KOS'ing if its all the same to you.

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