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Awful camping tent behaviour

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Dear mod developers, please make the camping tents interactive when the player is 1-1.5 m. near them. I think, it's not very complicated task.

Now it's a great problem to get into the tent, when it's in the tree. You see it right in front of your eyes, but stupid game engine doesn't allow you to open it. So, people have to remove plant files to get their tent back. Such an operation may cause ban, even if they are only trying to return their own tent and nothing else.

Thank you! So tired of loosing tents or having them robbed, when placed on the open space:(

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Tents are bugged as hell at the min anyway

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I've never had this issue, I usually just shuffle around a bit and I am able to access the tent. However, if others are having this, then this seems like something that will be fixed simply with the new engine in the standalone. If it still persists in the SA, then it'll be addressed then for sure.

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