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Buying both Arma 2, and OA from different online stores.

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Hey all, a possible noob question.

When trying to connect to a server via Operation Arrowhead it says I have a Global Ban (Which is fine and I understand why, non-related), anyways, I bought the game again, and that CD got stole and once again, Global Banned. However, I'm only globally banned on server when running through Operation Arrowhead, meaning Arma 2 itself is fine.

I bought Arma 2 via steam. Is it possible to buy Operation Arrowhead from another online store such as Greenmangaming.com without there being any problems? The reason I'm doing this is because it has a promotional code I can use for this site so it a little cheaper. If anyone has any idea on how this works would be amazing, cheers.

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I normally alway's buy my key's via link removed, never any problem....

However, you cannot activate the key on Steam for Arma II, it's the retail key...

link removed

Looks like they provide a download link too.

9 Euro's!

Buying unused key's shouldn't be a problem...

Edited by Fraggle

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So if I have a working Arma 2 on my steam, can I buy a key for Operation Arrowhead off that website legitimately and use it on my Steam? or put it in my Regedit or however you do it? :)

Edit: I just re-looked at that you wrote, so about not being able to put it on Steam, so if I have a copy of AO still on my current steam, can I use that and change the CD key for it with a new working one?

Edited by MrSinnix

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