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SPDT taviana

SPDT (Seargents-Perfect-Dream-Team) looking for active members!

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Hello guys!

The SPDT clan is currently recruiting people, we just bought a nice server, and has finally got it to run the way we like!


We're in need of new players for the server, otherwise it gets a bit lonely!

So here are what we can offer you!

A nice and well balanced Taviana 2.0 server with 40 slots!

-Nice tweaks added to the server such a hideouts and more!

-Clan commitment, we really do want this to happen, so we will always help you out on the server!

-meeting new people, meet the people in the clan!

-Mumble server (and if even fewer - we like to use skype)

-Good and nice players, no racism, and no immatureness.

-Highly secured server, we only use the finest antihack, and we've not yet stumbled across a hacker that could not be stopped!

-Roll-back feature, so that you lose NONE of your gear, if a wild hacker should appear!

-Loads of vehicles, and choppers can carry vehicles across water!

-flip vehicles on the server

And much much more!

So are you interested in becoming a part of the Seargents Perfect Dream Team?? Or do you have any questions? Send me a PM here or go to our homepage SPDT.enjin.com!

We really hope, to meet new people, and experience fun adventures with new players!

Sincerely the SPDT team

Edited by SPDT taviana
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this is by far one of the best servers ive been on. the admins are friendly and are happy to help with naything. there seems to be no problems and makes the gaming experience fun and enjoyable. i think that if people are to give these guys a chance and fill their server even more everyone will discover how good the server is and make the experience even better :D

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Hi there! I am an old player looking to start playing again, it's been quite a while so I need to learn things again. Is it okay if someone semi noobish joins on this server or are you looking more for just really experienced players?

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