IGotCurbstomped 1 Posted February 16, 2013 This is a list of just a couple of implements that would really add something different to the game, and that fit well with the type of game DayZ is supposed to be!! Check them out!!1. ZOMBIES: Revised zombie system. FFS I know so many people have already practically demanded it so it really is a must. I would like to see random roaming herds, again nothing new to the suggestions page. It would be cool too if zombies were not the Olympic sprinters that they are in the current mod. They should instead be slow during the day and only dangerous in large groups....but at night however they can be somewhat formidable even in small packs as they get riled up in darkness and are more alert, much faster, more agile, roam around at a quicker pace even when they haven't detected you, and are all around more dangerous...now imagine at night with a LARGE HERD! You better watch each others backs and run like hell cause you WONT be able to kill them all. It would give the game more of a feel like Minecraft where you do most of the scavenging during the day in preparation for the brutal, scary nights, plus people wouldn't be the only dangerous thing in the game anymore. :P2. WEAPONS: I believe that a weapon attachment system has already been confirmed (correct me if I'm wrong) so that's awesome :D !!! I would however like to see more emphasis on civilian weapons (lots of pump and semi-auto shotguns as well as many hunting rifle models and handguns).3. MAP: More space could never hurt. It really has an awesome feel to the game when you can roam around for a long time and never encounter another player yet you know they are out there and you better stay alert just in case. A larger map would allow even more of this and more places to explore plus it would really contribute to the epicness suggested in #4.4. BUILDING: A really cool idea (and somewhat necessary for a game like DayZ in my opinion) is to really beef up the base building aspect of the game. Currently there is about one option when it comes to building bases...tents, sandbags and barbed wire :| . Well I suggest they add something where you can get a hold of building schematics that allow you to construct various shacks, buildings and defenses to make a more enduring base, rather than just a bunch of tents (that all look the same nonetheless). The schematics tell you what materials and tools are needed as well as how many of each kind. Of course these different construction materials would need to be implemented in the loot spawning system. These would be things like sheet metal, sheet rock, wooden planks, etc. Once you have gathered all the said materials/tools you can stand in the spot you want the construction to be at and set its build direction and vwaaalaa! You now have a better base than a few lousy tents around a campfire. Now please realize that I'm NOT suggesting to be able to build the Taj-Mahal. Possible constructions are simple and could/should be few in number. Some examples of possible schematics and what the constructions would look like are below! This schematic could be called "small metal shack", the most basic metal shack schematic, on the low end of constructions, made mostly from metal siding with some wooden plank supportshttp://www.trainweb....2_tin_shack.jpg On the higher end of the spectrum you could have this, the "stilted log cabin", a much safer alternative to the small metal shack. There would be a ladder for access to keep out the zombies. Made from wooden logs and plankshttp://cdn.c.photosh...Stilt-Shack.jpg Furthermore there would need to be certain defenses you could build like wooden fences, metal & wooden gates to enclose an area, large wooden spike sets, etc. Also there should be more trap options! As well as little things you can build for your bases that can hold items, like cabinets, chests and such so that you don't have to keep excess loot in vehicles.5. PURPOSEFUL KNOCK-OUT: My fifth and final suggestion is one that is mostly for fun, and would be simpler to implement than #4. I want more ways to intentionally knock people out in the game. There are several reasons why someone might want to be able to knock people out on purpose. One is that sometimes someone may feel it is necessary to deal with a threat (the player they knock out) in way that doesn't kill him so that they don't turn in to a bandit. They could feel like the person is getting a little too close for comfort so they quietly shoot them with a tranquilizer dart to keep from killing them. They also may want to take the bandit path and knock people out just to rob them of their stuff without actually killing the person. This type of unconsciousness is different than the one already in the game because a player will not bleed out and die from it. They will wake up eventually (just a minute or two, nothing too long). The ways to knock someone unconscious are with a blow to the head with a blunt object, certain traps, a blowgun with tranquilizing darts (which could also make use of poison darts as well!!!), or a rare tranquilizer gun that spawns like other weapons but is non-lethal. Again this could introduce the possibility of the gun having different types of ammo, one of which could be toxic darts which are obviously would cause a slow, painful death in most cases (without anti-venom at least, which they would have to add as well). Well that about does it. Sorry for the lengthy spiel :) This game just has TOO MUCH POTENTIAL!!! Haha let me know what you think in the comments! 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BwobBwub 660 Posted February 16, 2013 Gosh you catch on slow. Chernarus+ is being made so it has more features and it will be slightly bigger. Weapon customization has been confirmed and underground buildings is on the list to be made. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
intensity 157 Posted February 16, 2013 Everything you mentioned is practically already going to be in the standalone. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Target Practice (DayZ) 1335 Posted February 16, 2013 One minor tweak to the OP's suggestion for Zombies. The LAST thing we need to be doing is giving players more reasons to not play at night, so a big zombie buff at night is just going to make things even worse. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites