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Greatest gaming moment

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I play early mornings uk time so when ever I play the server is never packed out. This morning there was the usual 5 people on so I use it normally as a loot gathering excersise more than anything.Had my character for around 5 days now so I'm well geared up but rarely get into any scrapes.when I logged on today I was at NWAF I'd already watched a guy loot up and then proceed to getting killed off the zombies so I decided next one I see I'm going for him. 10 mins later I heard a chopper coming, I followed him in over the horizon and waited for him to lower down then, pop, I cracked his windscreen with my DMR,pop,pop I hit the rota.By now he's panicking the chopper does a 360 and gains height.I have one more shot when he spins around again,pop, I get him right in the chest.The chopper nose dives from 500 feet and explodes when it hits the deck.So from the perfect silence of just the trees rustling and the odd bird chirping to absolute carnage in no less than a minute.

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You should try out ARMA 2. You can do more stuff like that.

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You should try out ARMA 2. You can do more stuff like that.

yessir, vanilla arma is full of intense stuff like this. I will say though that when you do it in Dayz it is much more satisfying.

You should have waited for him to land, domeshotted him, and flew off into the sunset.

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So, I was doing OK. I had my Jeep, lots of food and water, and I had a sh*t load of medical supplies. I found 3 boxes of medical supplies at heli crashes. So I was running out of fuel. These two brothers said they needed blood and they could trade fuel. So we decided to meet up, and I was skeptical since I didnt know what these guys had. I was waiting at the meating point and we already established that I would leave 5 blood bags on the ground, and they would drop the Jerry Can on the ground. But it didnt go down how we wanted. Zeds came from everywhere and my AK just attracted more. So these guys pull up in their truck, one gets out and helps shooting the zeds since he has a silenced M4, and he tells me not to shoot because it attracts too many zeds. While I was spotting zeds coming from behind and the guy was shooting, the one guy in th truck was running over zombies and accidently ran over and killed his brother. So he gets out of the truck and takes his brothers place. After a good 30 minutes we see sooo many dead zeds. I quickly skimmed over and estimated 90+ dead and a few alive. We refuel my car, drive in the forest and make our trade. Then we head our seperate ways.

Very fun time.

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