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Looking for people 13 -16 with US time zone to play with.

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All I want is a small group of 3 - 5 between the ages of 13 -16 preferably from the United States of America because they have the same time zone as me. I will be playing on the map Chernarus and maybe some of the other new maps too, if you are interested in joining this group you will need to Private Message/Post the name of your Skype.

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I'm a newbie(sorta(played before forgot a lot)) I would love to run with a small group. Or large o.0 I'm 17 years of age... Hope that's not a big deal.

I am also in timezone GMT -5 (Canada, Ontario, Toronto)

Skypename: John.english24

-Hope to hear from you soon.

Add me on skype if you want to play together (Directed to anyone)

Edited by Wut

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Skype - Caleb.Hise

Likewise Wut, im 17 as welll, will be 18 in a couple of months. Able to play all the time, also a very good sniper since its all I do in every game I play. Also i live in illinois so im on the same time as you guys.

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Aged 15, Pacific Standard. I play more than is good for me, and have been playing DayZ since forever and have been playing ArmA since the first iteration of the series.

I know my way around a rifle, and am generally very good strategically, but my specialty is in piloting, and I mean that in ways more than the "I can land a helicopter without auto hover" bullshit that people sling around as a badge of honor.

My in-game name is the same as in my profile, my Skype is dutch-muffin, and steam is ~/id/rampantArsonist

Edited by rampantArsonist
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