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US - TRAUMA - Over 400 Vehicles++ Custom Military Bases- 6 ACTIVE Admins, Exotic Weapons + Vehicles- 24 Hour Day- White listed

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Come find out why our Community is growing so fast!

6 Active Admins are determined to provide you with the best Day Z experience possible!

Over 400 Vehicles, 24 Day Light, Exotic Weapons + Vehicles, Custom Military bases and new Military locations!

Gearing up is as easy as fixing up that old clunker in Cherno and driving up North!

We are still developing our community and letting it grow so in order to do this we white list at peak times and allow new members to enter and we white list them if they seem legit.

Our Community is buzzing saying we are the best run server they have visited !

Whether your a Hero / Bandit / Survivor or Clan.. Trauma is the ideal place for you to play, you'll find plenty of friendly's and hostiles that want your hard earned loot.

We are NOT run by a Clan making it an even playing field for all Clans to come and gear up, we are currently the home ground of 3 Clan's and looking to increase this number drastically.

But don't listen to me, come check us out for yourselves.

Search us on YouTube or Facebook or Day Z Commander simply search; Trauma Server

added is a video of one of our custom Military bases.

Edited by Forest_of_Trauma

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thanks for the bump, and yes please do read the comments, read ALL of the comments !

** Please note that isn't my video upload but yes that is One of our 6 Admins in the video destroying a base where people car horded.

-Base Camp Rule Number 1- Don't put Vehicles at your bases.

Edited by Forest_of_Trauma

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