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How can I enable Factions / team selection

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I would like to create three different types of players within the game.



US Marines

I have noticed that the options are greyed out when you join a server.

How can I setup the server to enabled it?

Edited by DirtySnipe

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I like your thinking but I'm afraid if you don't already know how to do this, you probably don't have the skills needed for the changes needed to be coded into the game for this.

I may be wrong but I would imagine it's a major change to the mod itself that would need some significant coding.

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What I'm asking is if anyone has done this or knows how to do this? Putting a reply like that has no benifit to this thread.

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If a coder out there is willing to take on this job and can give me a price and timeline to do the following:-

Enable Player faction selection




The chosen faction they get the correct skin and spawn at specific locations.

Please reply to this thread.


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All it really would be is copy and pasting some character spawns for each faction and then, however DayZ does it, make these spawns random. Look through the code to figure how to do this, shouldn't be too hard, or maybe it is, I've never checked.

You could just edit the label on each survivor slot and make it so...

1-25 civ

26-50 marines

51-75 bandits

76-100 terrorists

Edited by TheDesigner

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