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Is this Skill or Luck?

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under normal circumstances I should have been dead meat but the lag on the server made this one on one battle hard for both of us

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This is luck, seriously who thinks they can kill someone with a makarov shooting from the hip? bandit bambi you are

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This is luck, seriously who thinks they can kill someone with a makarov shooting from the hip? bandit bambi you are

I was getting 10 fps cause of server lag I wasn't trying to kill him was trying to make him bleed and break his bones like i usually would be able to if the server wasn't so laggy

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I think it was more or less luck and chance. Did you manage to refill with health or did you die a while later?

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The Hatchet can be friend or foe..... In this case the poor survivor felt the full weight of your axe.

To answer the skill or luck question? Lucky for you not so lucky for him.

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300 blood and you weren't knocked out by the zombies beating the shit out of you... I had about 10k blood and was shooting at a bandit north of Cherno. 1 zed came from behind and knocked me out and broke my leg. the bandit just ran up and shot me.

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