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Quick Question.

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Hey guys not sure where to put this but I got a quick question and this seems like the place.

So for starters there's the obvious "I don't run scripts and I don't use hacks" but a couple of days ago I got kicked from a server for a "restricted script 18" or something like that. It hasn't affected my game and I can still play on the server but with the new BEC I'm just a little worried that it's going to cause an issue.

To compound issues my mate just got kicked off a server for "restricted script 38" (or maybe it was 18 I dunno I didn't see the error).

What exactly does this mean? I know for a fact he doesn't have any scripts or hacks installed because I live with him and I installed the game for him lol.

Would this have anything to do with my local ban on a server I did nothing wrong on? They said they had issues where people were getting banned for no reason?

I realise you aren't the server admins but I figure that being the creators of the mod you would know exactly what is going on?

Cheers for the replies.

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Yeah sweet as, I'll get my group to do that as they all followed my instructions on how to install the beta patches.

I was just downloading them from the website http://www.arma2.com/beta-patch.php I think the last one we installed was 93825 (the most current one).

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