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Frustrations as a new player in Day Z

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"There is no KD ratio! Zombies aren't retarded like you are!"


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If I could effectively punish everyone on this forum for half-assedly using terms like "CoD lover" and "Carebear" instead of actually expressing themselves' date=' I most assuredly would.


How did I not express myself? I wrote at length how I felt as a new player and about who my frustrations were directed at and why, with explanations of why.

I see this tired ultimatum repeated on every gaming site I go to: if you are not with us on this unique/niche/special/non-mainstream FPS then you are a mouth-breathing, CoD playing, troglodyte. There is never any middle ground or spectrum of experiences with you peole. It's always binary: either you fall in line with our special FPS or you're a CoD lover. ("lawl! insert over-sized meme to drive my point home")

I count 9 instances of the word "CoD" in your opening post alone. It's a lazy and sloppy way to get your point across. Yes, we all dislike CoD to some degree. But this obsession you people have with hating it, bringing it up at every opportunity to try prove your own superiority in gaming tastes is simply obnoxious.

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Why don't we settle this like gentlemen and not savage cyber cannibals?


I choose pistols. 20 paces, turn and fire. Meet me on the hill for a cup of tea. After, we shall see who is right, and who is dead.

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Yes' date=' we all dislike CoD to some degree.


No, I don't dislike CoD. They're different products and they serve different purposes. Both are successful in its own goals.

Otherwise, I completely agree with you, this hate that people develop against some "other side" is unhealthy and very childish.

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If I could effectively punish everyone on this forum for half-assedly using terms like "CoD lover" and "Carebear" instead of actually expressing themselves' date=' I most assuredly would.


How did I not express myself? I wrote at length how I felt as a new player and about who my frustrations were directed at and why, with explanations of why.

I see this tired ultimatum repeated on every gaming site I go to: if you are not with us on this unique/niche/special/non-mainstream FPS then you are a mouth-breathing, CoD playing, troglodyte. There is never any middle ground or spectrum of experiences with you peole. It's always binary: either you fall in line with our special FPS or you're a CoD lover. ("lawl! insert over-sized meme to drive my point home")

I count 9 instances of the word "CoD" in your opening post alone. It's a lazy and sloppy way to get your point across. Yes, we all dislike CoD to some degree. But this obsession you people have with hating it, bringing it up at every opportunity to try prove your own superiority in gaming tastes is simply obnoxious.

Please, have my fucking children!

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I love posts that refer to CoD players and how we are bad... I have over 700 kills on zombies and about 3 murders(only cause they tried to kill me first) and i havent died yet since this new patch the game is the same to me at least. But what i dont get is why u are stero typing people for games they like that would be like me saying "HEY F**K U U WOW NERD PLAY A REAL MMO"(Yes i do hate wow with a passion but i still respect that people like it and it is a good game). I agree with you post on how this comunity isnt the greatest but how are you helping by making this post? I always thought starting with out a wep would make the game more enjoyable because if u read the story honestly u washed up on shore so.. makes sence to me. Last thought i have on ur post is ur a Goof for hating on people and there games just saying CoD may suck to you but is amazing for others like "Pros" or even just fanboys which clearly you are not sir.

Forgot to mention people like you are also runing this comunity with your one track i hate CoD player mindset get over it everyone is different and will chose to play a game how they want.

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Yes' date=' we all dislike CoD to some degree.


No, I don't dislike CoD. They're different products and they serve different purposes. Both are successful in its own goals.

Otherwise, I completely agree with you, this hate that people develop against some "other side" is unhealthy and very childish.

Fair point, Smig. Although I'm not a CoD fan personally, my point was not meant to devalue CoD's appeal to posters who legitimately like it. Only to people's overblown reaction to it.

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Dont see any problem in start with makarov, in fact now people who isnt dead and already have a gun is even more powerfull in kill people in cherno, elektro and spawnpoints, everyone know that.

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I like the idea of starting with almost nothing and finding some way to survive but I still haven't tested it that much. I wouldn't want to get my character killed intentionally to go through that experience ;)

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If I could effectively punish everyone on this forum for half-assedly using terms like "CoD lover" and "Carebear" instead of actually expressing themselves' date=' I most assuredly would.


How did I not express myself? I wrote at length how I felt as a new player and about who my frustrations were directed at and why, with explanations of why.

I see this tired ultimatum repeated on every gaming site I go to: if you are not with us on this unique/niche/special/non-mainstream FPS then you are a mouth-breathing, CoD playing, troglodyte. There is never any middle ground or spectrum of experiences with you peole. It's always binary: either you fall in line with our special FPS or you're a CoD lover. ("lawl! insert over-sized meme to drive my point home")

I count 9 instances of the word "CoD" in your opening post alone. It's a lazy and sloppy way to get your point across. Yes, we all dislike CoD to some degree. But this obsession you people have with hating it, bringing it up at every opportunity to try prove your own superiority in gaming tastes is simply obnoxious.

I'm sorry, I didn't realize this struck a chord with you. Here, let me better express myself.

I see this tired ultimatum repeated on every gaming site I go to: if you are not with us on this unique/niche/special/non-mainstream FPS then you are a mouth-breathing, CoD playing, troglodyte.

But this isn't just any other general game site. This is the dedicated forum to the mod itself. In fact, people complaining about a survival game being about survival instead of shooting and posting about it here is THEM invading a space with their ideas and telling the mod that it should get on board with mainstream FPS games.

There is never any middle ground or spectrum of experiences with you peole. It's always binary: either you fall in line with our special FPS or you're a CoD lover.

But there IS a spectrum of experiences when it comes to zombie themed games. Day Z is just on the survival end of the spectrum. If you started dragging it toward more arcade-y action shooters, like some recent posts would have happen, you would dimish that spectrum and middle ground. You would lessen it and this mod.

I count 9 instances of the word "CoD" in your opening post alone. It's a lazy and sloppy way to get your point across. Yes, we all dislike CoD to some degree. But this obsession you people have with hating it, bringing it up at every opportunity to try prove your own superiority in gaming tastes is simply obnoxious.

I count 9 instances of the word "CoD" in a lengthy post that has references to CoD and the mindset of players that play it. There was nothing lazy, nor sloppy about it. Its not like I posted a single sentence stating "FUCK COD PLAYERS! DON'T BE PUSSIES!". I elaborated on the mindset of the person I was addressing, and why its wrong to think that way, and drove home that it is an unwelcome perspective.

And I'm not "bringing it up at every opportunity". I'm bringing it up On the dedicated forum for the game itself. Its not like I'm on some generic gaming site or the Call of Duty forums talking trash about how mainstream CoD is or how cool I am for playing mods.

And I AM superior to people of that mindset. They fail, I succeed... I am the superior gamer. This is what prompted me to post this in the first place. Those people fail, then come to the forum and gripe about being failures. The more they do so, the more sway it gets and the more it pushes this mod toward the gameplay of less skilled games like Call of Duty.

If you cannot succeed at something, improve. Don't complain until its made easier. This mod exists not to cater to the mainstream CoD players, why should we have to sit and read post after post from them on THIS MODS DEDICATED FORUM where they bash the game style because they can't participate?

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1.7.1 is less than 24 hours old. hotfix is even younger. It's good to get some feedback' date=' I'm aware of the issues, please remember the current build is not as intended.


I love it like this. It was too easy before. Don't turn this mod into a easy mode PoS like everything else on the market. There is a reason your mod is so popular. The reason is it's difficult.

Up until this new patch I was bored. I could gear up fully in about an hour. Then what? time to kill people I guess so i can get killed and find more stuff thats super easy to find.

Also this mod is sapose to be after the recent fall of society. But guns are everywhere and cars are super rare. Shouldnt it be the other way around. Cars would be everywhere and guns would be rare.

Up to the new patch, I was having fun. So there, we both have compelling arguments.

Food and water should be fairly plentiful too, but it isn't. We've managed to survive, we are hiking with a backpack, then we spawn in on a character that doesn't even have food. That doesn't really make sense.

All of the loot tables need major fixing. Night is way too dark and people just log off. Zombies are far too sensitive. I think there should be middle ground, where we can find pretty happy medium between before the patch and after the patch. Not having a gun is one thing, but a lot of people are having a very hard time living long enough to find anything.

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Having read the OP's diatribe, I have learned that he really doesn't like Call of Duty players, that Call of Duty has ruined the forum and possibly this mod, and that Call of Duty may be responsible for cancer, AIDS and the current economic crisis.

I have to say this habit people have of avoiding reasoned argument, invoking Call of Duty and then insinuating that everyone who disagrees with their position is a proponent of said game, is really, really tiresome. It's sort of like a new Godwin's Law among online shooters.

In fact, I declare a new fallacy: Reductio ad Call of Duty!

Reductio ad Call of Duty, also argumentum ad Call of Duty, (Latin for "reduction to" and "argument to" ) is an ad hominem or ad misericordiam argument whereby an opponent's view is compared to a view that would be held by a fan of the game Call of Duty. It is a fallacy of irrelevance, in which a conclusion is suggested based solely on something's or someone's origin rather than its current meaning. The suggested logic is one of guilt by association.

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Ah, what a wonderful example of the "I want the game to be exactly how I want it to be, even if it ends up just being me and some other guy on the server together because everyone is sick of playing it the way I want to play it" guy. No concept of what other people might consider "fun" in DayZ, no desire to hear other perspectives on how the game could be improved, just totally 100% myopic.

See, it's very easy to do well at DayZ in if you have 385738535 hours of time to sit on your ass, prone everywhere, and basically spend an entire day doing nothing productive. However, if you want to attract a demographic above the age of 22 (aka those who are actually working), the game needs to actually be playable within a reasonable amount of time. I'm fortunate right now to be moving thus am in between jobs, enabling me to play more than I normally would. However, in about a month, I'll maybe have an hour to two hours max for DayZ on a standard weeknight, maybe a few more on the weekends, and would really rather not spend it feeling like I'm playing a single-player FPS because my sole concern is not getting mobbed by overpowered trackstar NPC zombies because I just so happened to break prone for two seconds without a weapon.

1.7 was fantastic because I had familiar areas where I could go, and if I fucked up enough to attract a zombie mob, it was my own god damn fault. Yeah, the starting equipment was definitely too much to make it as hard as it ought to be, and I'm really happy with what rocket has done with that, but freakishly sensitive NPCs that hit harder with a longer reach combined with no starting weapon effectively means that no new players who aren't people like the OP are going to play this game for more than one hour without going back to CoD or equivalent.

See Arcadies? That's what you call an "alternate point of view" - given that I'm not a CoD player (far more partial to old school Team Fortress Classic and pre-UOR Ultima Online for MMOs), try not to get your panties too much in a bunch when you rage over someone disagreeing with you.

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well since we on COD, you have no weapons. Well I still got mine ?Rocket can put jump in so now you can jump, so all COD fan know how to jump. then in cherno, elektro every one will jump, when there gun point at them. then you can ran, or just start jumping it be more like COD. you don't need gun, jump.:idea:

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What a huge improvement over "you're a stupid shitty CoD shit eater" in your OP.

And I AM superior to people of that mindset. They fail' date=' I succeed... I am the superior gamer. This is what prompted me to post this in the first place. Those people fail, then come to the forum and gripe about being failures. The more they do so, the more sway it gets and the more it pushes this mod toward the gameplay of less skilled games like Call of Duty.

If you cannot succeed at something, improve. Don't complain until its made easier. This mod exists not to cater to the mainstream CoD players, why should we have to sit and read post after post from them on THIS MODS DEDICATED FORUM where they bash the game style because they can't participate?


They have that right. Why should they improve if the process isn't fun? People don't play games for the sake of "success", people play them for the sake of having fun. When things change and people have less fun, they complain. It's normal. I may not agree with the complaints but I'd never stop them from voicing them.

Of course, if the game goes the opposite way of whatever you're idealizing, it might ruin the fun for you, but the game has no obligation to conform with your ideals. Don't tell me that this "kind" of game "has" to be a certain way. There's no such thing. Don't tell me they're bashing the "style". You're talking mostly of recent changes in the game and the players are providing their feedback on those changes. A change that conforms with one convention of a style isn't intrinsically a good change, and of course, a player being more successful after a change doesn't make him right either.

There's a lot of passion and emotion where you're coming from and all of that is unnecessary. In the end, the mod will be somewhere in the spectrum. It won't be in the very extreme of one end of the spectrum and it won't be in the middle. It will be wherever Rocket wants it to be, also based on your feedback and others'.

So, by all means, give your feedback, but why not give it in a humble way and an open mind?

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Ive thoroughly enjoyed the new changes, it makes death more meaningful as you have to start at an even worse position, it makes me feel more like Im stuck in a zombie holocaust and is really tense trying to find a weapon, feels more of a struggle to survive the initial landing in chernaraus.

Ive only been playing the game about a week so still newb really, I also kinda think the changes to zombie behaviour has made it slightly easier to gear up anyway, just leg it into town with a tail of about 20 zombies then just run through a few buildings and hide from them, then your all sorted in an area where there is weps.

The only thing Id like to change is the utter blackness of night, when I started I guess i was lucky as the moon was out and could see abit, since then Ive just not been able to see at all at night so just find a daylight server.

But starting without any supplies makes the supplies I find at 1st more meaningful, really like it, also now I consider carrying spare weapons to help friends when they spawn as I didnt before.

I havent read all the previous posts and cant be bothered too, just posting my 2 cents.

Loving the horror of starting with nothing!!!

Also loving being surprised by zombies in buildings

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i actually found the opposite of javrel. I started today, and found that death is basically meaningless. You wander around for a bit, make a mistake, and then go "oh well, better luck next time" DURING getting your face ripped off. Since there's often no escape from zombies, it made the dying part seem more like (ironically) cod 4, where you dont die so much as you respawn in the same situation you left, because it's near enough impossible to get far enough into the game for it to matter. I did manage a long session of survival, but found bugger all.

I found it boring, and will watch the forum to see if they can strike a balance, other wise i won't bother with the mod, and from reading the forum, neither will most others. As for your little truck story, im calling a fisherman's tale on that as well, as watching new players on the old EASIER patch shows how damn hard it is at the begininning, and randomly getting a truck means (if that was even true) your more experianced then your saying, or that it was dumb luck, and therefore saying the patch (or you) are better in general is incorrect. Also, you've been on the forum less then a day, and bitching about other users wasting your time on the forum? if you don't like then don't, as you pointed out yourself, read it. Hell, most users of this forum have been here longer then us, and that would mean YOU are "invading" THEIR forum.

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