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stuck at "waiting for character to create"

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Hello everyone,

I am having problems to join servers right now. Everytime I want to join one the loading-screen freezes at the half of the loading-bar ("waiting for character to create"). I have been waiting for over 20 minutes several times but nothing happened. I never had this problem before.

I am using PlayWithSix to launch Dayz and I have installed the rMod right now(yesterday it worked with the rMod installed).

I have already tried to reinstall BE through steam but it did not help with my problem...

Please help me,

moonrise :)

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...after the steam-be-reinstall every server, that I want to join through the arma server-browser gets the red point where the question-mark normally is...

I am falling into dispair.. :(

please help me

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I would dl DayZ Commander and update everything, I had similar issues and installed D.C. never happened again.

Sorry I cannot comment on Rmod. If in doubt, Check install notes, perhaps an update has whacked it

Edited by Michaelvoodoo25

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Thank you so much!!!

I think I will use D.C. in the future from now on. It has got much more information about the servers..

Thank you very much!

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This has mostly to do with Battleeye not able to update itself.

Make sure it is not blocked by some antivirus virus e.d.

I noticed at my end i always have problems with battleye when my linux box is downloading porn.

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I've also noticed it does that when you don't have everything up to date, rather its an arma update or dayz it will do that

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I had this issue so i manually updated the battleEye .ddl you can download from their official site.

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if update is issue how come I can join other Dayz Overpoch servers but not mine.   I added some buildings didn't work and removed it and still get stuck on waiting for charactor Data  


Its happened before I had to reinstall the entire pbo from scratch.


Plus on Overwatch with Chernarus map I can't get buildings to show up from mission side or server side and dzai/wicked/ems does not work.    No good forums I've found dealing with the buggy overpoch...........nice guns and skins but other then that its not worth the effort...............anyone ever use the USSR Chey...something sniper rifle??   That is an awesome weapon

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