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Help with Namalask please!

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Our sever is switching to this map and after a bit of looking online I still have question's.

1. Were do you spawn at?

2. Were does warm clothing spawn at.

3. Were is a good place to set up camp, don't care about other players so it doesn't have to be Ninja.

4. I was told all the stuff i have on my character will transfer over will that really be the case or was I misled?

5. Is it difficult to get food or drink? *Are there ponds were zeds don't spawn and how good is the animal spawn rate*

6. Is there a V3S spawn or only Urals?

7. Any other helpful advice or tips?

Ty for reading!

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1. There are spawn points almost everywhere over the map

2. Military loot spawns

3. Anywhere where that isn't right near a city or town

4. If the server admins are keeping the same database, then yeah, but usually it doesn't happen like that.

5. Not really. You can find food and drink at industrial and residential loot spawns. If you go to vorkuta once and grab 3-4 of each, you'll be set for a long time.

6. Depends on whether or not the server admins added it in

7. If you find heat packs, grab them. Grab every single one of them you see, because you'll start to freeze with only 5-10 minutes in the snow area's.

Object A2 is the place to go for the best loot, it's down the bottom of the main island. The thing is, everyone knows it has the best loot, and because it only has 1 way in, it's prone to a lot of traps by bandits. If you plan on going there, scope it out for a good 10 minutes atleast, to watch for zombies, or players snooping around. The last thing you want is to find someone waiting at the bottom of the ladder when you get down there.

Edited by AussieStig

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You can pretty much spawn anywhere along the coast. There's a few hotspots but I've spawned all over the place.

Warm Clothing can be found in any of the snow bound barracks and bunker at A2.

Never set one up on Namalsk, but tbh you don't need one. There is plenty of forested area's for you to place hidden tents.

That will depend on how your server is setup.

Namalsk is the hardest DayZ map by far, food, drink are rare. There is only two supermarkets on Namalsk one on the West Larger Island and one on the small eastern island. Animals are rare too but there's enough.

Again will depend on your server setup. I've added different types of vehicles to our server.

Get stuck in there and don't worry about all this shite :thumbsup:

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thanks that answered most my questions :D

*Were you spawn was a bit too vague though lol, coast...the entire island is coast...

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