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Looking for a small group 2-3

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Well playing DayZ mod all alone is getting pretty boring so I want to find a nice group to play with. I am 14 years old and have basic knowledge of the game and wish to find a group that is fun to hang out with. I am looking for players somewhere at my age cause it would be sorta creepy grouping up with a 23 year old... 12-15 years old would be fine :)

Please fill out this form below




1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ:

Are you fun:

Write a little about yourself:

My answers to the form

Skype: alishev123

Age: 14

Gender: Male

1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ: 6

Are you fun: Yes

Write a little about yourself: Well I am a fun person to hang out with and like to play video games.

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Skype: Aeronethius

Age: 14 be 15 in 2 weeks

Gender: male

1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ:9

Are you fun: Hell yeah

Write a little about yourself: I am a tactical player,loyal and will defend my friends i have 1 friend whom i play with, who is 16 and is the same as me. i consider myself a veteran and i am a skilled sniper with experience as a bandit squadron leader(tactical) and a permanently designated marksman for 2 squads.

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Hmm, we're a group of 3 people, excluding me. That means we're 4 people, if both of you would like to join us it would be great. I guess I can put my form here as well! We're currently using Skype because our teamspeak we had used since June stopped working. We were not even the owners and nobody were in the channel lol.

Skype: swe-alexander

Age: 16

Gender: Male

1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ: 10 Played since April

Are you fun: Well, I guess... Haha

Write a little about yourself: I'm a 16 year old guy from Sweden, speaks fluent English.. The three other guys are from the US, so we usually play during weekends, I myself can play every day during the whole week GMT+1/GMT I guess that's how you say it. I've been playing Arma 2 since late 2011 and found out about DayZ from the biforums in April. Go ahead and send me a PM if you're interested, it seems like we need a few members from Europe. If you're from the US there's no problem, but if you're from Europe I don't see a problem. Then I'll be able to play with some during the weekdays!

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Skype: blowy1990

Age: 16

Gender: Male

1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ: 10, played for 1,5 years now

Are you fun: I think so?

Write a little about yourself: I'm Joey, from Holland and I like to play games with some friends ;)

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Skype: bchristman2

Age: 14 (most people think i'm around 17-18 so ill let that speak for itself)

Gender: male

1-10 rate on your expertise on DayZ: 10! great sniper and chopper pilot, getting pretty good at planes as well!

Are you fun:hell yeah

Write a little about yourself: Canadian with nothing better to do and looking for a good group but nothing massive

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