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warranted in killing a player?

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So my group of four was moving through a small village when 2 bandits took shots at us and killed 2 of the four of us. My surviving friend and I killed the bandits and as we were looting the bandits a man came up behind us and yelled friendly. We panicked a bit and shot him right away. He labeled us as bandits to the server and now we are constantly being hunted.

my question is what would you have done?

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I would have shot him. He should know that approaching people who are looting is a bad idea.

He also could have been in skype with the bandits, trying to find where you'd store the loot so they could take it back later.

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What he said you murderers!

He was daft enough to do that, your winner!

my point exactly. I doubt he would've taken the time to expose himself and yell friendly if he was plotting something. When he could've easily just popped the both of you when your backs were turned.

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I play mostly as a friendly survivor so I definitely know that putting yourself out in the open to quite a tricky thing. So I have to agree that even he was just chilling in a bush watching everything he hold approached the OP in a more cautious manner. Plus whenever people are in groups they are usually less likely to welcome a random encounter with a friendly especially after having your adrenaline pumping during shoot out. I can think of at least 2 times while playing with other squads that someone in the group was friendly fired on because they were not keeping updated info on their location and intentions after a gunfight. When the tension is high running up directly behind someone screaming friendly does not always calm others nerves.

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