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The story of being in a badass group

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It is February 11 Somewhere about 0030. The JAG have planned to strike where it hurts the most, in the NWAF.

We have Recce already in place for about 30 minutes. The Airfield looks secure, no sightings of human contact, "It's a dark night, wish we had nightvisions, would see better escpecially behind those frisky trees" reports the recon officer.

The rest of JAG gather around their UAZ, just got new rims on it and pimped the engine, added more glass for classy ride. We all sit in the UAZ and a regular dilemma accures, there is no driver. Someone brings it to our attention, that we need to hire one of them designated drivers. "Some guys payed for defending their camp for some dudes".

As we close to the airfield we disembark before reaching the actual airfield, don't want our pimpy new ride to get jacked now do we? So we all go and spread like scavnagers do. One of our snipers places himself on top of a tower between the 2 northernmost aircraft hangars, not the industrial ones. As everyone is looting shit and gathering supplies, our sniper notices movement. He yells thrugh comms: "Get down on ground now!" - All JAG members lie down, to see if it was them. The player the sniper spotted does nothing. BAM!! BAM!! the snipers opens fire, zombies rush towards the tower! As I was sleepy I was about to fall asleep next to the northern barracks camping it.

Fast I reacted, the shots were coming from my north, i rushed towards the tower my fellow jag member was on, I shot the zombies with my AKS there were atleast 20 of them. I started running around and gathering the agro, so the zombies would not climb the tower, but instead eat my AKM bullets, cuz that's what AKS uses. I managed to take a few hits from the zombies, but I took them all out.

The next few minutes, everyone was ready for a counter-attack, as meanwhile the player ran out of the industrail hangars where he was at before and then he escaped into the darkness of the forest. We had 2 guys convergiing on his position from the West forest. I lied down in the trees under the tower, thinking they would rather flank the sniper, than take it on in head-to-head combat.

Silence took the North West Airfield, for about 10 minutes no shots were fired, everyone waited for the next move of the banditos that were wearing spetznatz clothing.

The sniper suddenly spots someone, shots are fired, he sees blood pouring out of the hostile player, I run towards him for loot, as i get to the most NW part of the airfield in the forst i notice a guy just stands up and starts to bandage himself. Shoot half of my akm mag into his body, now he is dead. For loot i get to see that he as ak107 pso, and more shots are fired. It's the sniper getting back-fucked. I rush towards the trees behind the tower, as the sniper dies. I think he might go loot the body. I camp there for about 10 minutes and then 1 of JAG spots the perp, he opens fire which sounds about 300 meters N of me, i run for it. He takes out the target and when i get there i can hear flies.

Now the only thing to do is retrive our sniper from the tower for later use. One of our members voulenteers to go up and gathers his fallen comrade's gear. As everyone is ready we leave the airfield and get back to the uaz, we head towards balota, cuz there spawned our fallen sniper.

The story is not yet over...this night, much is going to happen and people are going to die!

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I'll give you beans. This time.

Tidy up your grammar and punctuation skills, and I guarantee many more people will appreciate your content.


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