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Hermione Granger

Looking for Clan/Group badnit/Hero

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Looking for a group/clan to operate with, I am 12 but mature and somewhat expierienced, I have a Skype, no Vent or Teamspeak, I have been playing DayZ since August and shall be a Scouter/ Medic if anygroups reply I will gladly join :beans:

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Looking for a group/clan to operate with, I am 12 but mature and somewhat expierienced, I have a Skype, no Vent or Teamspeak, I have been playing DayZ since August and shall be a Scouter/ Medic if anygroups reply I will gladly join :beans:

Joint Task Force 91 is a new and friendly clan, right now we are looking for players who are interested in playing DayZ with a group with a military experiencing leader but also to kick back and have some fun!we are part of a big and multicultral community known as 'DayZHorror' we have our very own teamspeak:ts.dayzhorror.com

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