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We are looking for Beta testers for the new Map Sahrani!

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Hi there,

We are looking for active gamers who would like to help us test the new map sahrani!

Are you interested being involved in the creation of a new awsome map?

Then fill in the application now!

NickName :

Age :

Clan/Community :

How many hours per week do you game? :

Why should we take you ? :

Thanks allot for reading this, and hope to see you on our new map soon!

Map port credits go to : shermanftw

Map Testing : www.dayzhorror.com

Recruitment Thread : DayZ Forum Thread Link (Click Me)

Edited by smKes
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really looking forward to dayz sahrani! a massive map and had lots of fun playing co-op evolution back in the arma1 days! :-)

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NickName : NeuTronas, KOOFKY and 3dwa

Age : 18, 17, 18

Clan/Community : DayZ Lithuania

How many hours per week do you game? : It depends on our freetime

Why should we take you ? : We know everything about DayZ. We're Lithuanian streamers that made the only one group DayZ in Lithuania. I am professional bug searcher ;d http://steamcommunit...ups/dayzlietuva

Edited by NeuTronas

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really looking forward to dayz sahrani! a massive map and had lots of fun playing co-op evolution back in the arma1 days! :-)

It's great! we love it so far :)

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NickName : NeuTronas, KOOFKY and 3dwa

Age : 18, 17, 18

Clan/Community : DayZ Lithuania

How many hours per week do you game? : It depends on our freetime

Why should we take you ? : We know everything about DayZ. We're Lithuanian streamers that made the only one group DayZ in Lithuania. I am professional bug searcher ;d http://steamcommunit...ups/dayzlietuva

Welcome to the group! i will send you an email and see you on the server =)

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NickName :Monkey / Elite

Age :12

Clan/Community: Elite

How many hours per week do you game? :4-10 hours

Why should we take you ? :I am a really good dayZ player and i am a really good map tester :)

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NickName :Monkey / Elite

Age :12

Clan/Community: Elite

How many hours per week do you game? :4-10 hours

Why should we take you ? :I am a really good dayZ player and i am a really good map tester :)

Thanks for your reply! look @ your email soon

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NickName : Bloody

Age : 19

Clan/Community : =Fu=, DAI Members: 5-7

How many hours per week do you game? : Usualy 50-100 depends what mood im in

Why should we take you ? : i got a youtube and so does my friend, he has Machinima partner ship and we would like to test ur map and maybe highlight the map :D we have been playing since April links:

http://www.youtube.c...BloodyWarriorHD and http://www.youtube.c...r/RedReloadedHD our youtube accounts

our members:

3 Dutch guys (saw you were from the Netherlands)

2 Norwegian guys

1-2 Danish

1 Uk

1 Murican

Edited by BloodyWarriorHD

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NickName : Bloody

Age : 19

Clan/Community : =Fu=, DAI Members: 5-7

How many hours per week do you game? : Usualy 50-100 depends what mood im in

Why should we take you ? : i got a youtube and so does my friend, he has Machinima partner ship and we would like to test ur map and maybe highlight the map :D we have been playing since April links:

http://www.youtube.c...BloodyWarriorHD and http://www.youtube.c...r/RedReloadedHD our youtube accounts

our members:

3 Dutch guys (saw you were from the Netherlands)

2 Norwegian guys

1-2 Danish

1 Uk

1 Murican

I will email you soon ! ( haha yeah i am )

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NickName : Blueface

Age : 18

Clan/Community : JAG

How many hours per week do you game? : 20-30 it varies alot, sometimes I got sh*t to do that requires more attention. The other time I game all day long!

Why should we take you ? : Well for one I have the best custom home-made badass face ever. I am a player of certain skill when it comes to video games, also i perform well in physical activities like sprinting, throwing balls, being the greatest badass who ever lived - or something like that.

I have played ArmA Armed Assault, so i am a little familiar with the map.

TL;DR I am badass YOU want me to test your shit dawg!

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Nickname: Nimz41


Clan: AZSF( Armored Zulu Special Forces)

Hours played per week: Generally Depends on the week but about 8-16

Why you should pick me: I am a very very active player that know just about anything there is about Dayz. I have been playing since about August and I have tried every map possible for Dayz.

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NickName : Blueface

Age : 18

Clan/Community : JAG

How many hours per week do you game? : 20-30 it varies alot, sometimes I got sh*t to do that requires more attention. The other time I game all day long!

Why should we take you ? : Well for one I have the best custom home-made badass face ever. I am a player of certain skill when it comes to video games, also i perform well in physical activities like sprinting, throwing balls, being the greatest badass who ever lived - or something like that.

I have played ArmA Armed Assault, so i am a little familiar with the map.

TL;DR I am badass YOU want me to test your shit dawg!

Thanks ! email send

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Nickname: Nimz41


Clan: AZSF( Armored Zulu Special Forces)

Hours played per week: Generally Depends on the week but about 8-16

Why you should pick me: I am a very very active player that know just about anything there is about Dayz. I have been playing since about August and I have tried every map possible for Dayz.

Thanks for your post! email send

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NickName : [JAG] Alternizator

Age : 26

Clan/Community : JAG

How many hours per week do you game? :at least 20, sometimes even 40

Why should we take you ? :i play a lot, played all the maps so far, been playing since about june. JAG is a good and small community, we play a lot together

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NickName : scopeshot

Age : 22

Clan/Community : Lone wolf

How many hours per week do you game? : 30-40hrs

Why should we take you ? : Beta tested both Celle and Dayz Origins Map/mod. As well as World of planes beta, world of tanks beta, Path of exile beta, Defiance beta. so on and so forth. Am excited to see how this map looks and participate in helping remove some annoying bugs before its released to the public

email adress : [email protected]

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NickName : SharpClaws

Age :21

Clan/Community :TG

How many hours per week do you game? :As many as I can depending on work. Normally 3-4 hours a day

Why should we take you ? : Mature dedicated DayZ gamer. What more can you ask for?

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NickName : [JAG] Alternizator

Age : 26

Clan/Community : JAG

How many hours per week do you game? :at least 20, sometimes even 40

Why should we take you ? :i play a lot, played all the maps so far, been playing since about june. JAG is a good and small community, we play a lot together


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Thanks allot for all the replies! hope allot more come and test it out !

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NickName : Elvaron

Age : Uh *takes out calculator* 27 or so?

Clan/Community : Nope

How many hours per week do you game? : 30~40

Why should we take you ? : Msg me on skype if you really need to know (your PM inbox is full or disabled), long story short experienced tester

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NickName : Elvaron

Age : Uh *takes out calculator* 27 or so?

Clan/Community : Nope

How many hours per week do you game? : 30~40

Why should we take you ? : Msg me on skype if you really need to know (your PM inbox is full or disabled), long story short experienced tester

Thank allot i am sending email now! have fun

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NickName: Ingasmeeg

Age: 16

Clan: IWTC (me and a few friends)

Hours/week: Depends, when I'm not at school maybe 30ish

Why should we take you? Been playing the mod since June, played every map and am reasonably good at discovering bugs (if DayZ has taught me anything...)

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NickName: Ingasmeeg

Age: 16

Clan: IWTC (me and a few friends)

Hours/week: Depends, when I'm not at school maybe 30ish

Why should we take you? Been playing the mod since June, played every map and am reasonably good at discovering bugs (if DayZ has taught me anything...)

Thanks for the reply! look mail!

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NickName: Calcetin

Age: 19

Clan/Community: ZAS (Zombie Assault Squad, just a few of my friends.)

How many hours per week do you game?: ~10 - 15. I'm a computer engineering student in college, so I don't have a ton of free time. I get on as much as I can though.

Why should we take you?: I've been playing DayZ for a few months now, and really love it. While I have limited game testing experience, I have done a lot of debugging for other types of programs. I am very organized and task oriented and I love to learn. I'm always looking for a new experience in DayZ and I hope to do anything I can to make this game even better for the community.

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NickName : God Dan (Just call me Dan)

Age : 15

Clan/Community : I usually play on laughingmans servers

How many hours per week do you game? : Im not sure, i am usually on every day

Why should we take you ? : I am really interested in the map, and i know alot about dayz

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