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The Governors

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Hello Ladies and Gentlemen, I'm here today to announce the creation of

The Governors.

Abit about myself:

My name is Cadan, I'm 15 years old, and I live in England.

I've been playing since August.

  • The Governors will aim to be 5-10 players.
  • There will be no age limit, but I require you to be mature, and not a troll.
  • You must have team speak, and a working mic.

The clan will be a democracy, everyone will have a say in what happens.

Military tactics will be used.

I'd like to set the clan into groups.

Each group would consist of 6 players.

  1. Squad Leader
  2. Assault
  3. Assault
  4. Medic
  5. Sniper
  6. Spotter

We will be playing a whitelisted server: http://dayzmod.com/f...yers-apply-now/

You can contact me on steam at Mr.Cadan, and the teamspeak IP is:



Edited by Cadan.

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Hey I would be interested in joining as a spotter, been looking for a small group of players to join up with and I have a mic. I have been playing since June. Recently took a break from the game so I need a group.


Thanks for reading this!

Edited by dadgoat
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Added on steam. Thanks for applying.

Edited by Cadan.

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Heh, was going for a walking dead theme, but didn't want anything over used, like the walking dead.

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We're buying a server.

Will be hosted from Amsterdam. Ping has been tested for the host, in American it's roughly 70, and in the Europe it's 50

Should be up in a few hours. A forum post will be made for it.

Edited by Cadan.

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