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Dr. Satan

Looking for some buddies

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I haven't played dayZ in for ever, and all my friends no longer play. I am looking for a new group(A small one) to play with and to talk to so it's not a boring as fuck running simulator.

Before i quit i was an experienced sniper(DMR, SVDs are too Russian for me) that had a ghillie and all sorts of supplies. I am not sure if i killed myself before leaving to give people supplies as the venture into the woods or what, so i might be bare naked if i play again.

EDIT: Also note i AM NOT A FRIENDLY GUY, when i had my old clan they would always laugh at my huge heartbeat, and when they allowed karma to show(right before i left) it was waaay in the negatives. Because i WAS a sniper, and i loved to snipe people at random, and because i have had too many close calls with "Friendlies"

Edited by Dr. Satan

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I also havent played dayZ in a long time i am experianced with mainly assault rifles and snipers. if you have skype my name is : scottl90

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Sweet. Also, on public hive servers i am not dead, i still have my silenced M4, revolver, civi clothing in my bag (ghillie on), my old trusty DMR, meat water and my old Coyote backpack. Memories were made with this gear, but i'm willing to restart.

Edited by Dr. Satan

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I haven't played dayZ in for ever, and all my friends no longer play. I am looking for a new group(A small one) to play with and to talk to so it's not a boring as fuck running simulator.

Before i quit i was an experienced sniper(DMR, SVDs are too Russian for me) that had a ghillie and all sorts of supplies. I am not sure if i killed myself before leaving to give people supplies as the venture into the woods or what, so i might be bare naked if i play again.

EDIT: Also note i AM NOT A FRIENDLY GUY, when i had my old clan they would always laugh at my huge heartbeat, and when they allowed karma to show(right before i left) it was waaay in the negatives. Because i WAS a sniper, and i loved to snipe people at random, and because i have had too many close calls with "Friendlies"

Joint Task Force 91 is a new and friendly clan, right now we are looking for players who are interested in playing DayZ with a group with a military experiencing leader but also to kick back and have some fun!we are part of a big and multicultral community known as 'DayZHorror' we have our very own teamspeak:ts.dayzhorror.com

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I am recruiting for Notorious.

We are all 18+ (I think youngest is 24?). We play Wasteland and DayZ.

Several of us are in the armed forces and although we play to have fun and like messing around, we are proud to put tactics to good use and rack up the kills. We swear a lot and give each other a lot of shit - we've been playing together since DayZ release. Right now we have 4 regular players. We had closer to 12 last summer during early DayZ, but have since kicked/lost many.

Check out not.enjin.com, there are a couple highlight videos you can use to judge whether you would like to play with us, and there is a recruitment page if you would like to give us a try.

I've also linked a video here (from our video highlights page) that will give you a pretty good idea of what it would be like to play with us - it's long but pretty comprehensive. Also don't judge the video or editing quality - that wasn't the point.

Two of us stream, you can check those out as well if interested.

http://www.twitch.tv/anammox (me)


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We are all 18+ (I think youngest is 24?). We play Wasteland and DayZ.

Sorry man, but I don't meet that criteria, i'm 2 years off. Thanks for the video, though.

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message me on skype (Caleb.Hise), we have the same play style and im also looking for a small group to play the mod with. Im a very good sniper since its the only thing i do in every game i play. Just looking for a group to play with now and into the Standalone

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