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CBL - Do something

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Alright, so I have, well was playing DayZ for ages, not using any 3rd party software, nothing. I had great adventures with my friends and certain clans on facebook, etc. This was a picture I shared on a DayZ page http://sphotos-a.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/420930_4548444839414_1280826684_n.jpg

I loved it but after this I came off for two weeks. I log back on due to my clan buddy's wanted me to come online to play. I come online and this game up "Battle Eye - Admin Ban" I was banned from every server and it was annoying, I have made a bunch of topics on this and the CBL but it's getting boring now, I have known ALOT of people who keep getting banned falsely and that Battleye doesent reply to anything. They have began to make a bad reputation and so has DayZ, If you have a anti hax system that carry's out sweeps and bans the suspicious people for doing nothing just because they are suspicious, it's stupid. Something needs to be done.

I have tried everyway to get unbanned and so has some of my mates but if CBL is ignored what is the point. I also read that if you get banned you have to buy a 'brand new copy of Arma' this is stupid, is it a scam? I dont know but if you let a anti hack system ban people just because they are suspicious when they actually have not done anything wrong it is majorly STUPID.

DayZ, Bohemia or whoever you are, fix it and fix it fast before you get a reputation just like Battle eye, Get people answering the bans and do something.

PS: [bSF] Tactical

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Server admins use the CBL voluntarily regardless of how broken it is. There is nothing anyone else can do about it. It's a "community" banlist so is in no way official or endorsed by BIS or the DayZ team and there is nothing they can do about it. As long as server admins keep using it, it will continue to be a problem, that's the guy's you should be asking to stop using it.

You seem to be getting BE Global Bans, admin bans and third party antihax software bans all mixed up in your post.


Edited by Fraggle

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