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Share your "betrayal" stories

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So this post is just an area for all the bandits to share our "betrayal" stories.Either you betrayed someone,or someone betrayed you,feel free to share it!

This is my latest story:

So me and a friend were playing on Fallujah.We were bandits,we both had camo clothing on hiding our true skin,and we were full geared.Coyote backpacks,he had an as50,i had a dmr,and he had an fn fal and i had an m4a1 cco sd.we had meds food and more guns and mags in our car.We were not kos unless the other guy has a bandit skin or he makes us feel uncomfortable.So we get in our car and head out of the airfield,going to the north camp(fob) while we notice 2 chopper crashes.both without zombies,so he disembarkes and he moves on the crashes while i drive around trying to spot players and attract zombie aggro as they spawn.the crashes where about 100 meters next to each other,so while we were looting the first one,a guy went to the other.He was unarmed and he was getting hit by zombies.i drove there while my friend killed his zombies.i bandaged him and gave him a blood transfusion and i took him in the car.i drove back to my friend and i said to that guy to come out so we can give him a gun and he can roll with us,i thought that saving his ass after a 10 minute run will make him gratefull but i was wrong.he changed in driver's seat and started the engine,he was dead seconds later.and then he bitched in the chat about us killing unarmed players...We wasted some ammo,a bloodbag and our time to save his ass and he just tried to steal our shit.

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Once I ran into a fresh spawn he had managed to pick up a makarov where I was still basic, just outside the hospital in cherno, he managed to only injure me/break my legs... At this point I bandaged up, it turns out he wasn't such a bad guy... Like a good lad he managed to get to the hospital get some blood and morphine etc, we ended up playing for a few hours together eventually travelling up to Novy together. All the time I knew what I was going to do I was going to kill the fucker, I'm a bandit eh that's what I do, blood bagging me isn't going to make me forgive you.

I saw it as a good opportunity to roll with someone and as a new spawn I wouldn't mind the company, anyway we geared up at Novy when another player arrived he said it was his friend who had been patrolling Novy the whole time. At this point I didn't know what do, within a couple of seconds I got lit up by bullets.

Nice little story in the end my plan backfired and what I intended to do to this guy all along they did to me. Couldn't help but laugh at the end of it, I got played major.

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My friend and i were at Cherno's firestation when my friend gets hit 3 times in the back, we hide and bandage him and find out the man was eaten alive by zombies, my friend went to loot him but instantly was knocked out by a crawler. I was going to save him when a g17 sprayed me, and i couldnt save my friend. I waited below the fire station and had a little waiting war, before the assaulter got off. I then met up with a man, as we were about to head north he broke my legs and i popped 9 shots of an m1911 into his skull. Turns out he was the gunman with the g17, under a different name and after revenge.

another story, which was the last time for a long time i was nice, was a man with a hatchet and i had a m1911. After shooting the zombies for his sorry ass he hatchets me, breaks my legs and i gun him down. I end up dying to a zombie from loss of ammo, and blood. Scumbag.

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This is my story:

Well here I was, my first night playing solo. I was looting the south barracks at NWAF and all of the sudden I hear "Hey man, you friendly?" And I respond in direct "Yea, You?". He responds yes. And covers me while I continue to find my Mk48 Mod 0 And a few other supplies like morphine and some G17 mags. We head out to Vybor to get some food and drink because me and my so called friend were low on consumables. Then we here some lee enfield shots and decide to go help the fellow survivor out. The Vybor survivor happens to turn out friendly as well So after some introductions and conversation we continue to loot Vybor. As we were heading out we here some gunfire "cracks" and hit the ground. After coming up with a simple plan to escape without taking any lives. The man I met at NWAF stands up and murders the Vybor enfield survivor. Without hesitation I shoot my NWAF "buddy" in the head. A few minutes later I see the bandit that was taking potshots at my crew running for it. Then I manage to escape through a field into a forest and get out of the area. And after confronting the survivor I met at NWAF of killing one of our friendlies. He says "That dude we met at Vybor, he was going to kill us". A few confrontations and explantions it turns out the NWAF survivor and the Vybor bandit were a team. I agree to pick up the the Vybor enfeild survivor at Kamyshovo in the Humvee I just found. Then all of the sudden I arrive to a ural parked in the middle of the road, I speed up and try to avoid any contact. To find my "Friend fully geared up" I get out to take some shots and hear "hello friend". Turns out all three survivors I met were in a clan :P. Knowing I wasn't going to live much longer I sat on the road and said "Before you shoot my right here and now, Let me ask you Have you found Jesus Christ lately?" After hearing a few laughs and a crack of an DMR I was faced with the infamous You Are Dead screen

Well that's my story :D. Hope you enjoyed! Moral of the story: Don't trust anyone and find Jesus!

Edited by WizardLyfe
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I was leading some bambies through elektro on a new server one time, I had a makarov and enfield. We went into the school and one of them asked for a weapon, of course my sidearm is for killing zeds so I said no, I didn't have anything for them. He finds a makarov and walks over to me and shoots me in the back and starts moving for my head. I get a point blank headshot on him with the enfield and pass out before the ther bambi runs over and grabs his gun, then puts a round in my head as I'm passed out. I ask why he turned on me like that and he said it as because I lied to him about not having anything. I explained that I need that sidearm for killing zeds and he rages about it and leaves the server. I tracked down the other bambi eventually, he had found an M4A1 and I had a CZ. I put a round in his head and said in side "You put a bullet in my head earlier and I returned the favor now, I'd say we're even." and he left too.

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I was pretty active on a Taviana server a month or so back and at one point literally one clan would play (5-7 guys),

and then the random assortment of regulars who I'd peacefull interacted with multiple times.

The clan put out a hit on a familiar. Professor Cuddles. He had raided and destroyed their base.

I jumped in my heli with my friend as the gunner and offered to pick Prof. Cuddles up from his bases location in sidechat.

As we hovered above him, my gunner rained fire on his ass. We collected our reward for the kill and flew back home.

I didn't feel good about it but hey, every contract is just another contract.

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I was a newspawn and I met this fellow at balota airfield. He had an AKM, I had an axe. He didn't talk much, but we seemed to be getting allong OK. We traveled together for awhile, looting a few areas and talking a bit. We came to a field and he stopped, looked at me and said: Its time for you to go. I protested stating we were doing so well...he shot me in the head and took my stuff. I respawned later on and made my way to electro. As I entered the city from the north I decided to hit up the office building to check for good loot. As I got up the stairs I heard the framiliar sound of AKM fire and massive zombie aggro. I carefully crept to the edge of the rooftop looking into the grocery store...and guess who it was? I put my sights on his heart and waited until he saw me. He looked straight at me and I said over direct: "you know, you really should not have done me over like that it was real unfriendly" and shot him in the heart. He fell and as he bled out I finished him off with a makarov shot to the skull. Lesson learned you backstabbing dickweed.

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I was betrayed. I started at Krutoy Cap with another survivor. We headed into Elektro together. It was dangerous. We were great, avoiding zombies and bandits. Then he found an Enfield. I'd told him I'd found bullets earlier. I said he could have them.

He killed me instead. 2 hours of playtime with this guy, getting food and water and tools for nothing.

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Last night me and my friend were traveling down the road in a Ural packed with loot when suddenly a sedan whips by us, and immediately "friendly?" Pops into chat and we say yes and the car goes a separate way from us and we continue on, few minutes later near Gorka my friend lags out and I take the wheel and drive to a field north to wait him relogging, the I'm dead apparently shot. I respawn and madly type into chat asking why, his response being that he's been burned to many times to let me live, so my friend relogs and heads for the truck to take it and run, we ask him not to shoot he kills him on sight, so now both several thousand meters from our truck we sart walking and he asks us if we want a ride cause he feels bad so we say sure, he meets up with us but before we can get in his at the server logs everyone out and then it takes a few minutes to get back in now there are two cars where we are and no dude, we wait 5 mins nothing to attempt to connect so we take both cars he has no stash in it so no harm no foul wee almost in Gorka an he reconnects demanding to have his car back, at this point it's a burning wreck after we dukes of hazard it off a cliff and were in my sedan now.

So we get back to Gorka find our truck intact and ditch the car (he didn't loot it or our corpses) we we say truce and he declares war for stealing his ride, we head north to the top right air base and start to loot, then bam my friend drops its him again magically he got to the top of the map apparently on a dirt bike, so I exchange found with him and after a few minutes he just continually fires into the hangar I'm in as I duck in and out and a lag round kills me after I'm back in cover, so I relog and find an M16 and he's still whining about his car, ( note a sniper in whose open on open ground firing at a static target tool 15 rounds to hit me once and even then it was a lag round) so then after searching for an hour he yells that he can't find our stashed truck and logs off.

Who's in the wrong here, who's the bandit us for stealing the car or him for being a paranoid spaz?

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