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How the F*** do i install Rmod to DayZ.ST Servers?

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Hello, I posted a Topic about Rmod alternatives not to long ago, but as nothing came out of that I believe that I am left with Rmod. However I do not know how to do this. I have literally spent hours looking for tutorials on how to do this on a DayZ.ST server. Nothing except how to install it on a client.

If anyone knows how to do this, there input would be vastly appreciated. Thanks,

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maybe i'm mistaken but i think dayz. ,st has a rmod option on the conrtol panel that you can simply check yes then rs the server :huh:

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No, there's not an option unfortunately, I've already checked. Maybe it because it's a Namalsk Server.

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On the control panel page, it's the second from the bottom option in the "Control Panel / Change Settings" section.

It shows "*rMod setting" - with the check box option to enable rMod.

Note the message - not sure if you can manually install rMod to Namalsk on DayZ.ST or not.


Edited by Diz

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Hi guys i'm a complete noob at running a server. Only had mine a week. Baiscally i want to use rmod and as far as i can make out everyone who plays on it would require it to be installed too? My question is where would i be able to get it from? Is it just as simple as clicking the box on the control panel?

Thanks in advance

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