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Radioactive Playground - Custom Humanity Morphs - DayZChernauras

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Hey fix your damn server! =P Constantly getting "something went wrong disconnect and try again" I want to get back on and finish making my camp lol. I have tried every solution i know even a few new ones with no luck. Tried a different player profile even. Just cant get on there. But i can play on other servers....but they arent as fun as this one! ty hope this problem isnt on my end...

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Sorry for the douple post...but seriously this server is not working right 75% of the time...either i can't get my character to load or I get dc'd and then get wait for host non sense. I liked playing here until recently.. AAAAND i bet once i finally get back on i will be dead/knocked out with broken bones under my fucking car i was driving.....this is really getting old..if you want to have people on your server and keep it populated...make sure its WORKING lmao, sorry for the rage but this is the 2nd time today i can't get in and play, and 5th in 2 days.....

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To the Admins,

Ive been playing on this server for awhile and I just got banned for no reason. The reason that was posted was for teleporting but I am assuming that it was meant for someone else. I enjoy this server and made a few friends while playing. Fix this please.


SlimyMr Evil

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Im loving this server!! The admins are beyond helpful! They noticed me and my mates were getting kicked for 350 ping since we were from australia and they immediately up't the ping kick to 500, Great job guys with this server!

InGame name is Heisenburg[uCAZ]

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The admins are a bunch of cunts that get butt hurt when u kill them, me and my friend were on there for about 5 hours killed the admin once, not knowing it was the admin. Then got mad threatening to kick us and and then let us go and stole their helicopter. An hour or 2 later we ran into them in a little bird and they had as50 wich are banned, and gilies then had a firefight for about 20 min then they teleported behind us and we were watching our back and saw them do it and killed them and then the admin said lol and banned us they can all suck a sack of shit dont play on this server u will regret it and they dont help u when u need help. SmackAttack was his name and should be shunned for a low life scum that dosent deserve and type of respect.

Edited by PooFy BunNy

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please add to whitelist. Ive been playing for a few days now with steven. My name is Matt

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Yep...this server sucks big ass balls. Admins are crap! If you want to try a good server then goto the wolf pack one. The admins are so much better and are ACTIVE as well as the rest of the group that is on. Radioactive sucks!

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