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Looking for some guys to play with

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hey Im looking for some guys to play with idc about age or anything. add me on skype. xlaiit or join FallenFactions and tell me

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Hello, Im also looking for people to play with, add me on Skype: dadgoat or Steam: dadgoat. I have a mic, and been playing since last summer. I took a big break from the game and now im looking to get back into to it.

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We are the Dayz Military. We have about 20+ active members then we also have some on leave. About 5/6 of our members are in the military, army, air-force marines? and the British Military. We have people on from 6pm EST until 10pm EST (roughly 15+ people on a Wed Thurs or Friday) however we do have our day group of 5/6 people and our late night group of 6+. On the weekends there is usually 8 or so people online for a fair decent amount of time, we average 4/5 hours of gameplay as a Unit per night, We currently have 2 servers, a training server and a Taviana server, we also are going to be getting a third server when we get some more recruits. We also don't just play dayz, we play Wasteland, I44, CWR2, and anything we feel like playing to do with the American and British military, If you have any further questions please join our team speak, the thread linked should contain most of the information you will need as well as a larger description of who we are and what we do, hope to speak soon, Cpl Promy, :)

Edited by Promy

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hey mate. we have a small group who plays pretty regularly, all mature gamers putting in a few hours each night.

we have our own server which is awesome, we can stop hackers and maintain a good friendlyt atmosphere,

your welcome to join us.

we're pretty new to hosting so we're giving a weapon of choice and load o9ut (NVG's, backlpack etc) to the first 50 people ot get involved.

Add one of us admins on skype to claim your loadout:




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Look forward to seeing you on there!


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