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DayZ panthea - Hack Free, Extra Viehcles, Custom Weapons

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Hey guys, Just thought I would let you all know about the server I have found and love.

It is a Day Z Panthea map. With a bunch of extra viehcles helicopters, Jets, Planes.

The great thing about this server is:

It has a great admin team, who code the server to keep it running smoothly and sort out problems. They have just introduced a feature they call the Whitelist.

This whitelist means that you need to post your GUID (obtainable by entering a command into chat on any server) and your Character name.

Using this information they give you access to the server, therefore Random people cannot join without registering on their website, And in turn this keeps out the hackers,

Battleeye and other script detectors can only do so much.

Enjoy your game without being teleported, shot through buildings etc! Even if a hacker was to get through the whitelist by registering, The admin team are always fast to pick it up, They will ban his GUID, and he wont be back on.

The admin will reset the server with a rollback so you keep all your items.

The name of the server is 1000000 Viehcles ZombZ.net DayZPanthera

To play you just have to visit their website ZombZ.net and register or click whitelist for more info. It is normally a busy a server, and does have a big fanbase

I am not an admin of this server I just play it, and thought I would share it with all of you who are fed up of hackers

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Hey guys, Just thought I would let you all know about the server I have found and love.

It is a Day Z Panthea map. With a bunch of extra viehcles helicopters, Jets, Planes.

I really like the panthera map, but adding jets? this seems to have just pushed the DayZ concept out of balance..

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