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So even before this mod came out I wanted Arma 2 because I wanted to get a feel for it for when Arma 3 comes out. I mostly play BF3 (440+ hrs so far) and a guy I know recommended this game to me. Money isn't the issue I just hate playing Multi player games alone and I have no one that I know personally playing atm. Plus with all the random murdering threads I am seeing playing alone doesn't even seem feasible even though I haven't even bought the game yet. So I am asking. Is finding people to play with impossible or even hard? Is buying the game just for this mod worth it? Are other parts of the game still alive and active? Thanks

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It's easy to find random people to team up with. Honestly most players dont kill each other on sight, in fact in the 3 days I've been playing this mod I've only been in two firefights with players and I've only killed one (and he was a bandit).

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Bigstink, the game alone without the mod is outstanding! The community makes free mods all the time, and in many cases you are getting a new game every few days due to the new mods (try armaholic.com). Being a former combat vet, the game with certain mods is intense and really puts you in the fight.

Now with Dayz, you have many decisions to make, where to go, who to trust, solo or team. Its a great time, and very addicting.

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It's actually very easy to find friends to play with. Start off and ask other noobs around you (they all look like Ash Ketchum) if they want to team up. Then invite them to TS or Ventrilo, befriend them on Steam, and the first thing you should do is run north and don't stop until you reach a barn or somewhere else you can get better weapons than the starting pistol.

The people complaining about PvP are either very unlucky, or are playing in a way that is begging for everyone around to kill them.

Also, don't go into Chern or Electro, or SW Airfield if you want to live more than an hour. Once you're tooled up in the middle of the map, then you can start to diversify. Similarly, there are survivors groups in the survivors groups thread, there are groups on reddit (if you can get past the inundation of shit derivative culture of memes and "politeness") and you can always make groups in game.

Also, don't ask if there are friendlies in Chern or Electro unless you want to die.

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I am WNxLions and I approve these messages above me. Not much else needs to be said.

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Just give me working direct chat and a holster feature and I wouldn't have to shoot anyone... that didn't shoot first ;)

Surely the OP must understand that this mod, nor any mod based on Arma is anything even remotely like BF3. There are things in this game engine that will drive you crazy. There are other things that are so cool that it will make you wonder why no one else has them yet. Where that balance lies is up to you.

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Arma 2:CO is worth it on it's own, there is tons of content there are tons more via other mods. Dayz is just one mod out of hundreds, thousands maybe. If you are team play oriented then you will have no issues finding other ppl to play this with. There are plenty other MP game modes that are popular too. e.g. Warfare, Domination, Evolution, Life mods, Insurgency, Co-op, TDM, SDM, DM etc.

Also I play DayZ alone 99% of the time, it's easy to do.

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Yes I understand that nothing in Arma is like BF3. I have spent prob 2+ hrs today alone watching Day Z videos on youtube and I have been researching the Arma 2 game for weeks deciding whether or not to purchase. Funny thing about being married to a wife that disproves of any spending of real cash for silly computer games means that if I buy this game and hate it well I am stuck with it until she decides its been a long time since I bought a game and agrees with another game purchase

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I highly recommend Arma2: Combined Operations, it's absolutely *required* to play DayZ but is also the what most of the rest of the mods are using these days too.

That said have you even given the Arma2 Free version a try? It's not as pretty as the full blown version but it can still be fun and will give you a real taste of what it's like to play an Arma game/mod. (No, Arma2 Free does not work with DayZ)

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Thanks for the input. I decided to make the purchase and I am downloading now! Thanks again

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Thanks for the input. I decided to make the purchase and I am downloading now! Thanks again

Enjoy... once you finally get on a server ;)

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Just a quick tip for you.

How to get on servers:

1. Place finger on enter key.

2. Smash the shit out of said enter key.

3. Pray to the server gods you smashed harder than the next guy.

4. ???

5. Profit.

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Actually arma 2 free does work with the mod. I bought a copy of OA a while back and when this mod was out I got arma free to test. Works great.

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first time i played, told people in chat i was new, 2 people in a small town, said i was friendly and asked if i could group up, have about 10 people i regularly group up with

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Is it something about the Arma coding that prohibits an app that can "autoconnect" to one or more preferred servers? If not IS there an app that will do this?

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